10 | Balls

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- Saf's Pov -

"I've always wanted to be a hamster," Corey said. "Well here's your dream," Elton said.

"I hope you guys have a mouthguard cause I have mine," Elton says. "Wait you have a mouthguard? I have a cup," Colby says. "I have 2 cups," I said. "I have a permanent retainer," Corey said. "I have a seat in the car," Sam said. 

"You have a seat in the car? If you don't do this I'm going to put you in a car-seat for the rest of the trip," Elton said. "I mean, I'm fine with that, I'm used to it you know," Sam said. 

"Let's get to our balls, there are now 5 hamsters," Elton said. Elton goes to fly the drone while we're all in the hot-tub

"How is it that I look away for 10 seconds and you're already in here?" Elton asks Sam, Colby and I. "it's a hot tub dude," Colby said. "Why does yours have so much more bubbles than his?" Elton asks Colby. "Oh I'm farting a lot," He answers.

"We call having Saf in our ball!" Elton says. "Okay. All I'm saying is that if something happens with my bikini blur it out," I say. 

We all jump in the balls. We start sliding around. I grab something and instantly let go.

When we get to the bottom we find out that Corey and Sam had won.

"Okay, for real though, whose dick did I accidentally grab?" I ask. Colby raises his hand. "Okay good I was hoping it wasn't Elton's," I said. 

It was now time for the really windy one. It was now separated by smallest and biggest. So I went with Sam and Colby.

I grab onto Colby for dear life. We got down to the bottom and it was super fun.

It was now Corey and Elton's turn. 


We went over to some bulls or cows I couldn't really tell. Sam and Colby started to make cow noises to make them come over to us.

The workers wanted us to touch an 4 and a half thousand bolted fence. Elton wants us to touch it. If all four of us touch it Elton would take back driving duty and we wouldn't have to drive for the rest of the trip. 

"I know Colby will, Saf probably would too," Elton said. "Elton, you've tased my boob before what can be worse?" I said walking up to the fence with Colby following behind.

We heard one of the workers say hold it. "Colby is you just hold it with 2 fingers I'll hold it with my whole hand, and I'll give you a kiss," I say to him. "Fine," He says holding it with 2 fingers.

I then hold out my hand and place it on the fence and it shocks me. "Ow holy mother of fucking shit that hurt!" I yelled. "Saf feel my heart!" Colby said as I walked over towards him.

I put my hand over his heart. "Shit your heart is racing! Feel mine," I said as he placed his hand on my boob. "No Colby that's my boob," I say grabbing his hand and placing it up a bit. "Whoops sorry, but damn your heart is beating faster than mine!" He says.

"So are you guys going to kiss or what?" Sam says. I feel Colby grab my face and smash his lips onto mine. 

Corey and Sam cheer. We look at them like they're crazy and we all start to laugh. "Well you guys don't have to drive, you touched the fence," Elton says as we both cheer.

The worker goes up to us explaining how we're going to get run over, he said we have to lay on our stomachs.

"My tits are going to get smashed!" I said as Elton started laughing. We go to lay down on the track. I was in the middle of Sam and Colby.

"Oh, it's coming," Colby says pointing to the ball. "Oh god, it's going so fast!" Sam said. We then get ran over by it and I'm in pain.

I get up and just hold my boobs. "What'cha doing there Saf?" Elton asks. "Elton I am in pain," I say and they all laugh.

"Alright guys this has been a lot of fun," Elton says and we all nod. 

When we were about to get in the RV a guy comes over to us and gives Elton all of his camera gear. 

"We were this close to leaving," Colby says.


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