49 | Suicide Bridge pt 2

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- Safina's Pov -

"Keep going," Colby says. "Do you want to join?" Sam asks Corey. "Yeah," Corey says as we all stare at him in disbelief. "You want to join?" Sam and Corey say in confusion. I look at Elton and mouth to him 'What the fuck?'

We were all surprised when Corey wanted to join since he never does these things. As soon as he did though, it started to work. 

Halfway through it got really hard to breathe and I felt a really heavy presence. "Ew It feels so fucking heavy like I can hardly breathe," I said and they all agreed and went back to playing.

We ended the game after and set up the sleeping bags. Colby and I slept behind everyone else while they slept on the sleeping bags. 

Colby leaned up against the wall while I sat on the ground scrolling through Instagram. While looking at a post my phone randomly shut off and I charged it before we came. 

I looked at Colby and explained to him what happened, he looked at my phone weirdly and laid down. I cuddled up next to him and we both fell asleep. 

While sleeping I felt Colby get up and then come back like 30 seconds later but I was too tired to care.

About an hour later Colby got up again but this time he didn't come back until it was five minutes later. While he was gone I looked up and saw that everyone else but Elton was gone which was super fucking weird but I went back to sleep.

I heard an alarm and jerked up then groaned. I looked at Colby and he was half awake. He smiled at me and then realized where we were, his face then dropped and so did mine. 

I looked at my phone and realized it was only 6:30 AM. I groaned and laid my head back down.

"We actually did it?" Sam asked as Elton replied with a simple 'yeah'.

Sam woke up Corey while Colby tried to fully wake up.

Elton got the camera and tripod and we packed up the stuff. The sun was coming out and we were leaving. 

I held hands with Colby and rested my head on his shoulder while we walked back to the car. 

Elton drove us home and Amanda stayed because she was too tired to drive home. 

Colby and I went to our bedroom and he laid in bed. I went pee before I did and got in my comfortable clothes aka a tank top and my underwear. Colby was shirtless and in shorts by the time I got back and we went to bed.


Hey! I just wanted to let you know I might be recasting the girl that plays Safina. She will be going from Sahar Luna to Kelsey Calemine. Plus the videos I'm doing now are still in July of 2017 and it is currently January of 2019. After the next chapter, it will be going from July to August. Not that big of a jump I just hope you understand. Let me know what you think in the comments.

With all my love -Shayla

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