11 | Agroventures

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- Saf's Pov - 

We go over to a jet boat. "I won't let you go, Saf," Colby says grabbing my waist and holding me tight. "Better not," I say.

The boat goes around 2 or 3 times and then Corey and Elton get on. On the last round, they got Sam, Colby and I soaked.

After that, we go over to the indoor skydiving place. They gave me the smallest suit they had and yet again it was still too big on me. Sam went first to do it. Then I went and then Corey and then Colby and Elton.

"Are you ready for real skydiving now?" Elton said. "Nope," Corey and I said in unison. One of the workers then dresses up in a onesie and goes on the thing.

We walk over to another thing that put people in cocoons. Corey runs away just as they release the people and they swing really far.

Sam, Colby and Elton go first. Elton was dancing while Sam and Colby were getting strapped in.

When the swing starts slowing down Elton pretends to look dead.

we then go over to the Shweeb.

"Sam's beating Elton and Elton was talking crap!" Colby says. "Sam is whooping Elton's Ass!" Corey said and we started laughing.

Elton got out of the Shweeb and tried to walk over to us but he fell. "Is it really that bad?" Corey said and Elton just nodded. 

We ended up beating the world record and we got the $1000. 

On our way back to the RV we saw the goats again.

"Aw their cuddling just like Corey and I do sometimes," Colby said. "But you like cuddling me more right?" I whisper in Colby's ear. "Yeah, I hope to do it more once we get back to LA," He whispers back.

"What are you guys talking about?" Sam asks. "Nothing!" We both say in unison.


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