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I stood in the hallway of our new house while watching my dad bring in boxes of our worthless miscellaneous, my mom found me watching my beanie of a father drag my old Lego sets to the spear room. " dad..." No answer, " DAD!" I screamed. He put the box onto the floor, "What?" He said as hs straightened his back, " I can see your crack!" He pulled up his pants looking like a tomato. "Mari!" He yelled, "stop looking!" 'My dad is soo weird, I would never look at that, it just flopped out!' "Shut up" my dad should at least try not to be weird!' "I'm going to my room." I informed. "come down at six for dinner!" I nodded and continued walking up stairs. "oh yeah and Mari, unpack!" I rolled my eyes, " be careful," a voice said. ' what?' I turned around. "if you keep rolling your eyes, they might just fall out of your head." In front of me I saw tall dirty blonde haired boy sitting on the window ledge. "who are you !?" He walked towards me. " Wesley, Wesley Johnson." Umm ok? " why are you in my room?" He sat on my bed. "cause I feel like it." I frowned. " you cant just walk into my house like this!" He looked confused, "yeah I can," he answered rudely. "This is my house! No you can not!" I said while shaking my head. "No its not!" He replied. "Yes it is!" He looked around. "doesn't say your name on it," I was bursting with anger. "please just leave!" I don't even know him! "I know you though, Mari Takahashi of Japan, 17 years old born on 2 of November, 2001 (in the book okay!) and you start school on Monday This week.." "how did you know what I was thinking?" He smiled, "Magic!" I rolled my eyes. " well gotta run, my mum is calling me," all of a sudden I heard 'Wesley Johnson its dinner time!'

Authors Note-

Hey guys! Thank you alot for two views! although it is not alot it is still awesome hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please read more of my story's.
