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HEY BUDDOS!!! Thank you all sooo much for almost 100 views! My other book is getting up there as well (+)! But yeah, the reason why I haven't been posting alot is because, I've been focusing more on notorious, so Soz. K, enjoy the chapter!

Wes's POV-

I was walking to school when, I got a phone call- "Wesley, ya got a phoone call, Wesley, ya got a phoon-" I grabbed my phone out my pocket and answered it.

"Wes speaking"

"hey Wes, it's Mari, ahh, I can see you walking from my house soo, imma be there soon, just wait"

"did you grab your Math report?" I asked, I already knew she did, I was just, reminding her.

"ahh Pft... I have it now, k seeya" I grinned and hung up the phone.

(SIX YEARS LATER) ikr, anyways, during this time, Wes and Mari broke up, due to them just not bothering, because Mari moved to LA and so did Wes but they don't know they live so close. Sorry but the Wes and Mari thing, doesn't come back until, next chapter, and Wes lost his powers so don't ask.

Still Wes's POV-

I grabbed my suit and tie and walked into the bathroom, hanging it on the hanger. I took a shower and dressed my self. I walked into the kitchen where my cheating girlfriend was standing, pitched on the oven.

"Morning Baby" I grinned. "You two" she jumped down. "this is for you" she grabbed a cake out the fridge lumping it on one hand. "asshole" she smeared the cake all over my suit. "you bitch!" she rolled her eyes and ran her finger down the mushy cake, and licked it. She then lent in for a kiss "don't touch me!" I yelled. She smiled and rubbed the cake in, "what a waste"

I took my jacket off and ran it to the laundromat. "Neo, can you please quick wash my jacket?" Neo dried off his hands and put them on the reception desk. "yeah, 'lemme guess, your so called girlfriend yes?" I nodded and layed my jacket on the table. I reached into my pocket, about to pay but Neo cut me off. "Nah mate," I frowned. "I have to pa-" "you have a psyco girlfriend, least I could do. On me." I smiled. "thanks" I walked out the building, at least someone has a heart.

Maris POV-

"Well don't even bother making my breakfast!" Danny yelled. "it's cause I'm fucking going to work soon!" We had been arguing for about 20 minutes, because i didn't make his food. "your not the only one that has to work you Bitch!" My nostrils flared. "There's a difference Dumbass! I actually get payed so, shut the fuck up!" Soon we were about five meters apart. "don't you fucking mock me, I do get payed" I dropped my plate on the table. "you eat it then! Dick brain!" I grabbed my bag, keys and walked out the door.

FUCKING ASSHOLE! I am soo over it! When I get home I'm ending it! I unlocked the car and jumped in, starting the vehicle. I put my foot on the gas and sped out.

"welcome to haven studios" It was Nate on the phone. "hey man, its me Mari, 'imma be a bit late" gasped. "sure thing Mar, I'll let Dian know" I grinned, "thanks" I continued to drive to work.

My phone ran so I grabbed it out my pocket. "Hey Kalei, I'll be there soon" I already knew what she was going to say. "oh, great" I hung up. Kalei is one of few friends I have. She was fun and perky, she has blue eyes, she also had light skin and black hair. Izzac is the dark skinned one, but he has gorgeous green eyes and blonde hair. Emmitt has brown hair and tan skin with brown eyes. Lastly, there was Raffy, she is the curly redhead of the group, blue eyes, a predictable white girl.

I pulled into the parking lot and jumped out. I felt someone watching me so I turned around, my eyes met with a silver haired guy. Your average white boy. I locked my car and walked towards the dance studio. I got a glance at his face, looks familiar. I looked back, he was looking around.

I swear I've seen that face.