2. "a bit of a lightweight?"

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It's Monday; first day of classes. After an amazing weekend, I had to wake up to the sound of Camille's loud alarm clock at 7:30 in the morning. She had a class way earlier than me today so thankfully I got to shove my face back into my pillow after she left, to catch up on my sleep before getting up and starting my day.

I arrived at my afternoon class a while later, which was in a fairly modest sized room and found a seat near the back, where I was most comfortable.

We had spinny chairs tucked into these long desks that stretched all the way across the room.  I scanned it and tried to get familiar with the place I'd be learning in for the next year. The technology was very old and outdated. Not like my high school at all. There was a long chalkboard and one of those old-school projectors next to a small podium at the front.

I noticed someone was walking into the quiet room and I recognized the tall guy's face as Anthony's. He walked in a few minutes later as all the other kids started to trickle in and he took the empty seat next to me. I noticed his busted up vans as he walked towards me and the slight smell of weed hit me as he sat down.

There was something about him but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

The hour dragged on as we sat through an introduction, and started a small lesson but that's it. I really liked my professor he was very witty and clever. Kinda reminded me of Sawyer but I feel like everyone reminds me of him these days.

It got boring after a while though, so Anthony and I played 'would you rather' on a piece of paper to pass the time.


Later that night Cam was blasting 5 Seconds of Summer, again, while we were getting ready for our first college party. She was trying to pick out an outfit from our very limited selection of clothing while I was just sitting on my bed, pouting.

"It'll be fun, I promise." She was trying to hype me up while I was finishing putting on my final coat of mascara because it was evident that I wasn't that excited.

Finally, Parker knocked on our door because he was all ready to go. Cam made us wait a bit longer because she had to change for the fifth time, but after that, we were finally on our way. He had the address so we just followed him but we didn't even need to because the smell of desperate drunk college students lead us to the place anyways. I was excited for this week to be over.

Upon walking in we were already greeted with a few hellos and familiar faces. I recognized some people from my class and the dorm. Everyone welcomed us in and showed us to the drink table. Of course, Cam helped herself to a cup of concentrated rum and coke, which was her signature drink.

I glanced over at all of the faces in the room and couldn't find anyone I knew. The house was filled with sweaty and intoxicated students, bumping and grinding all over the place. This guy suddenly tapped me on the shoulder asking me if I wanted to go upstairs with him, though it was hard to hear over all the yelling and obnoxious music.

Cam saved me thankfully and pulled me away towards the backyard. We decided it was getting a little too loud anyways so we found our way outside where it was less noisy and less crowded. It was a small fenced-off backyard, and there was a couple making out on the bench right near the door so we just walked right past them. I immediately noticed Anthony and his group of friends, by the trees, so I went over to them. Cam and Parker following behind.

They were passing around a bottle and laughing at something on their phones and they stopped when they noticed we were sitting down. "What's up?" One of his friends asked and Parker started a conversation with them while I took the liberty of occupying the empty hammock in the corner. Anthony introduced us to his friend's and we all got acquainted pretty fast. We began talking about our classes and our first impressions about everyone.

"Yeah I'm pretty excited for Tomlinson's class, I hear he's an easy marker and last year he got really wasted before some big test so he just canceled it and gave everyone 90s."  Clark said.

"Holly, where's your drink?" Anthony pulled my hammock slightly. "Oh--I'm not drinking." I muttered but he simply shook his head and pulled a flask out of his pocket for me to take. The laughter stopped and everyone stared with anticipation.

I knew that if I said no he would just insist or tell me to 'live a little' so without a second thought, I grabbed the flask and chugged almost all of the alcohol down. If only my mom could see me now.

Nearly choking, I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and aggressively gave the flask back to him. I don't know how people drink this stuff, I just don't see the fun in it. He chuckled to himself revealing his perfect set of straight teeth, and his group of friends, although probably stoned, were extremely impressed with me and so was Cam.

Everyone else drank some more and we played truth or dare for a bit but I called it quits when Clark dared me to make out with Camille.

I decided to slip away and find the bathroom but when I stood up everything started spinning and I realized the wonderful liquid that I drank way too fast, was starting to kick in. I felt so droopy and out of it, I nearly tripped but Anthony swiftly stood up and caught me at last minute. He seemed to have had a lot more than me, yet he was perfectly fine.

For some reason, I started giggling all of a sudden as his hands were gripping my wrists, so I don't fall. "A bit of a lightweight are we?" he joked, which made me laugh even more.

He looked into the house through the glass doors and then back at me. "You up for a game?" he leaned down slightly to meet my eye level. I stared for a while, examining his strong facial features then I snapped of it. "Yes." I smiled and followed him in, the rest of the group walking behind me. I stumbled my way back into the house and towards the ping pong table.

The crowd surrounding it slowly dispersed and we got into groups. Cam went back to the drinks table and Parker partnered up with some other guy.

I never played the game before and when Anthony explained the rules I sort of zoned out but he still assured me that I would get the hang of it.

He kept cracking jokes and I don't know whether it was the alcohol but I couldn't stop laughing. I noticed while he was attempting to get his ball in the other team's cup that there was a bunch of girls on the couch staring at him with googly eyes. One of them, looked like she was ready to drop her pants at one look from him. I can see what she sees in him I guess. He's got that cliché mysteriously hot personality that can make any girl swoon.

He reminds me of Sawyer.

We continued to play beer pong together and I actually starting getting all the balls in and winning. Parker shot me a nasty look since he constantly had to drink all the beer that was in his cup while Anthony and I high-fived. We even made up our own handshake but I don't think either of us will remember it because it was so intricate.

The night ended in us walking home, singing Bohemian Rhapsody to ourselves and laughing at some stupid joke we heard back at the house. We were swaying side to side like a bunch of palm trees and having the time of our lives.

Maybe this whole partying thing isn't so bad after all.

Next update: July 3

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