14. "you should stay away"

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Thanksgiving break was finally over and I parted ways with Sawyer and his mom, unfortunately. I had the most magical break with them and I also left with a little bit more knowledge on his family so that's a bonus.

Today was my first session with my new therapist/counselor on campus who goes by the name of Dr. Gregory. He's this sweet, polite guy, roughly 10 years older than me. Why am I seeing him in the first place? Well, my dad recommended it to me at first, and ever since I brought it up Cam has been hounding me about it. She says bottling up issues will only make things worse in the long run and I need to open up about my family, blah blah blah.

I'm not exactly against it, I mean it couldn't hurt. Talking about myself for 45 minutes in a red leather armchair isn't the worst of scenarios. I actually kind of enjoyed it, and opening up to some stranger is almost comforting, I can't explain it.

After the session, I was on my way to work, sadly. I notice a familiar patched up backpack walking a block ahead of me so I run to catch up and greet Jacob. "Hey," he mutters anxiously. I can tell by his voice it's as if he's not too happy to see me. He's got his hood up, trying to cover the fact that he has a full black eye.

"Woah what happened?" I ask very concernedly. "It's nothing, don't worry." He shakes his head.

"Are you friends with Anthony by any chance?" He asks bluntly.

"Yeah— why?" I furrow my brows. It's pretty odd to me that he would just ask me something like that so out of the blue.

"Holly, I gotta go." And just like that, he vanished. I was all kinds of confused but I didn't have time to linger and think about it, however, because I realized I was now late to work.


After my very excruciatingly long shift at work, I step out into the frosty night air, checking my bag to see if I got everything when suddenly a shadow pops up behind me. I turn around, startled, only to find out that it's the diner girl, ambushing me. Is she going to jump me? Because if so, this is a whole new level.

"Why are you trying to come between us?" She crosses her arms, sneering at me. "You're not gonna steal him from me, you got that?"

"Steal who?" I yell infuriated by the nerve of this girl. It takes me a second to logically think about someone I could possibly be stealing. "Anthony?"

I exhale deeply. "Listen to me, I have a boyfriend, I'm not stealing anyone—"

"I see you guys, don't lie to me. I don't feel comfortable with you two being so close so if you don't back off, I'll tell your little boyfriend what you guys have been up to."

I'm revolted at the absolute lies coming out of her red lipstick covered mouth. "What?" I exclaim. She assumes that I've fully understood what she just told me so she flips her hair in my face and stomps off.

My head was ready to explode at this point. I know damn well that there's nothing going on with me and Anthony and I don't know what this girl is on about so there's clearly only one person I have left to talk to.


I pound on his door vigorously, steam coming out of my nose and ears. When he opens the door in shock, I just bust in, paying no mind to the fact that he has neighbors and a roommate who is potentially witnessing all of this commotion. Thankfully when I walked in, the other bed was freshly made, and the roommate was nowhere to be found.

His side of the room was messy, to say the least. Books scattered all over his bed, and skating posters plastered all over his wall. A few empty energy drink cans on his desk also caught my attention. After I took a second to admire the mayhem of the room, I swatted him across the shoulder. "Ow," he stepped back. "What was that for?"

"What's her name?" I cross my arms. "Look, I don't care about who you've been sleeping with but I'm not supposed to get involved, so keep her away."

I took note of his busted lip, and the slight bruises near his eye but I don't point it out, I'm trying to stay on topic. Besides, it's not like he would tell me anyway. "Who are you talking about?" He raises his arms up in defense because he sees how riled up I am. "Blonde girl, slightly taller than me, full face of makeup and dressed like she just walked off of a runway show?"

I watch him stir for a moment as he thinks intensely about it. "Mel? Why, how do you know her?"

"She's been harassing me, Anthony that's how," I whine.

"She's crazy," he scoffs.

"Well keep her away from me then."

"No, you don't understand. She still thinks we're dating," he says. "I slept with her a few times a while back and she was a freak," he explains. "Ew," I gag at the thought of that.

"But after that," he continues. "She wouldn't leave me alone."

"That's not my problem," I don't know who to blame for this whole situation anymore I just know that I want out of it. I'm exhausted, cold, and annoyed right now and frankly, I don't care who I take it out on. "I don't need another Georgia."

"Who's that?"

"Just this really mean girl, it's irrelevant."

He sighs, placing both his hands on the back of his neck. "I'd really rather not but fine. I'll talk to her,"

"Good." I nod, feeling slightly more accomplished now that I've gotten my anger out. "Also," I'm about to leave his room but, I figure while I'm at it. "Jacob?" I ask.

"You should stay away from him," he responds almost instantly. Why is everyone telling me that these days? "Why do you say that?"

"He's not a good guy that's why," he replies plainly and I just scoff at the obscurity of his statement.

"Oh, of course, you don't believe me."

"Because, Anthony," I whisper yell at him, trying to be more mindful of our surroundings given that it is late at night and most people wouldn't want to be overhearing this kind of conversation through their walls. "I have people everywhere telling me what a bad guy you are. Who do you expect me to believe? The hundreds of people or you, the most closed-off guy in the world?"

He looks really offended by my words and I instantly regret walking into his room like this. I don't know what has come over me, I'm never usually this confrontational. "No I get it, Holly." He begins to close the door as I back out of the room slowly.

"I just thought friends were supposed to trust each other."

Next update: August 11

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