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Bellamy and I walked outside of my room, only a few minutes after we were so rudely interrupted. We saw Abby and Clarke arguing about something, it seemed important.

I walked up to Raven and asked her what was going on between the two of them.

"Clarke and I are going back to Mount Weather." She said, my eyes bulging.

"Are you out of your damn mind? They tried to kill Clarke!" I said, crossing my arms.

"They are jamming our signals," she said, turning the knob on the radio, "if I can get there and get close enough to the tower where it's intercepting — I can make it go boom."

It all started to make sense. Raven and Clarke were going to get rid of the interception. Abby didn't want Clarke to go, which is understandable.

But, Clarke isn't a kid anymore and neither are we. We stopped being kids when they sent us here to die.

"Fine, but I'm going with you." Abby said, the blonde female officer disagreeing with her decision.

Abby, stubborn like her daughter and me, ignored the officer and made the decision to go.

Bellamy heard the conversation. I knew not to argue because there was no way he was going to let me go by myself to Mount Weather.

We gathered Octavia and the others to go, including Abby who made it her life's mission.


The next day, after all of us rested for a while after the whole argument, we all started hiking for this suicide mission.

"I can't believe they let Finn come." I said, my eyes daggering the back of his skull.

"He's the best tracker we've got. Don't forget to look up! The grounders use the trees!" He said, making sure everyone's eyes were peeled.

I let Bellamy walk ahead to keep an eye on Finn, our so called tracker. Raven caught up with me, as Clarke with her mom.

"Hey," she said, "are you okay?"

"If your definition of 'okay' is wanting to slit Finn's throat. . . then yeah, I'm totally okay." I said,

I saw Raven's eyes look at the two swords in an X shape, as the both crossed one another. They had a holster keeping them both up. I used ripped cloth to keep them in place.

"He thought he was looking for his friends. All he wanted was to help, Liv."

"I get that, but he knew when to stop shooting. He killed children, men, and women. He could've stopped shooting, but he didn't." I scoffed,

"You would've reacted the same way if you thought you lost Bellamy." She said, pointing out the truth although I was too stubborn to acknowledge it.

"Whatever, this argument is pointless."

"Will you be able to forgive him?" Her eye brows creased,

"I don't know. But the real question you should be asking is. . . will he be able to forgive himself?"

I was honestly trying to dodge her question of forgiveness, I didn't want to think about that right now because it's too early.

Sanity - Sequel to Captured Heart // Bellamy Blake   //SEASONS 2 &3//Where stories live. Discover now