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Times are different.About 7 years ago,I'd walk on the beach and go everywhere I want.But now,I can't even walk around my neighborhood without being recognized.Everybody wants to take a photo and knows what the daughter of Khloe Kardashian is doing.
Don't get me wrong,I love being a Kardashian.My family is just amazing.They are very supportive and lovely.Specially my mom.She is amazing! She has always been amazing.She had me so young and has always been an amazing mom.Momma Khloe is the best.It's awesome have who has the swag.
We are in Gma's house.Family meeting in a Sunday.

'So,Kris...what are we all doing here?' Scott asks.It's really awkward my grandmother cancels our trips.Me,Kyles and Kenny were going to New York yesterday.We are going tomorrow along with my mom

'What? I can't make a Sunday family meeting?' My Gma answers in a defensive and a bit fake voice

'Cut the bullshit,mom...you made Mad,Kyles and Kenny reschedule their trip' my mom says.We are all at the living room in the couches.I'm laid in my moms chest and hugging her by the waist.She's hugging me too.I love cuddling with her.

'I wanted to talk about something with you guys...actually me and Bruce...' Gma says by Grandpa side

'You have noticed that me and Bruce are far...' Gma starts

'Far? Mom,dad spends more time in the beach house than here...' Kendall says

'This is our way of loving each other and living with each other.' Grandpa says

'This is such a bullshit! Married couple should stick together...You two live like a friends couple not a marriage couple...If you are not like that anymore,get a fucking divorce! ' Kendall says.She looks like she is beyond angry.

'Kendall,it's not that simple! ' Gma says

'Actually,mom,it is...You and Bruce love each other...but in a friends way...you should consider Kendall's idea.' aunt Kim says

'It's just bad because their marriage it's what bond us...like I'm not gonna sister with Khlo,Kourt,Kim and Rob' Kylie says.

'That's not true...We are always gonna be family...' aunt Kourt says.

'We all came out of her vagina,Kyles.She is still the 6 of us mom...We are always gonna be family despise everything.' mom says.

'I think we all gonna stick being a family...After everything,we are still family...Ride or die family.' I say.

'Maddie is right...You should just think about it,Kris Jenner' Scott says

'Now,if it's over...I gotta pack for NYC' Kendall says

'Yes,Kendall...It's over.' Grandpa says.

Kendall pushes me and Kylie.I got up and follow her upstairs.She went to her room and when we all got inside,she closed the door.

'Kennya...are you ok?' I ask getting closer to her.

'It's just upsetting to see that my mom and dad are getting a divorce...We grew up with then together' she says

'It's gonna be the same...Your mom and dad are gonna stick together to raise you two...You'll still have mom and dad...they are just not gonna live together.' I say

'Yeah,Maddie is right' Kylie says agreeing with me.

'Mad,how is for you? You don't even know who your dad is' Kendall asks

'I don't care...The jerk got my mom pregnant and left...My mom is the most amazing mom for me and I don't need a dad because she is both...she is my mom and dad...' I explain to her

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