Chapter 1

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A/N: Here's what I changed-fixed some present/past tense issues, her name (I just didn't like it for some reason), no chapter titles, added more details and got rid of unnecessary ones (there were A LOT), took out a few scenes too + her stammer is gone (I felt like it had suddenly disappeared in the story and I didn't know how to transition her out of the stammer so I just gave up altogether), changed the title too.

so maybe editing this story wasn't as "brief" as i wanted it to be lol

dedicated to writeaholic4ever because you are bae


Dohee sighed as she glanced out the window. It was a rather pretty day outside, and all Dohee could think about was how much it sucked to be in a classroom.

Like any ordinary day she sat at the farthest seat in the corner. She was alone but she didn't really mind, it was peaceful. As long as she didn't feel lonely, she was okay with it.

Besides, Dohee stopped caring about the amount of friends she had, she stopped worrying about those things quite a while ago. Instead Dohee was focused on the world beyond the school building. Her fingers twitched and her legs urged her to run out the door, jump out the window, anything to get out of the stuffy classroom and to her bike. To her, the bike was her number one companion because it gave her such a sense of freedom.

School was simply a hassle to her. It didn't matter to her how prestigious the school was, nor did the overwhelming size impress her. All she wanted was to be free of school.

Dohee only attended for her parents. That was all, Dohee was oblivious to her own future and already decided at some point it was ruined for her. She couldn't wait until the school year was over and she could finally leave. In fact, Dohee already started counting the days. Exactly 63 days left.

Dohee wanted more than anything to be free, and far, far, far away. It wasn't much of a plan, but she was going to study abroad. What was she going to study? She didn't know and she didn't care.

Her parents wouldn't care either. And money was never a worry, it was no problem; and the only problem was that they seemed to have too much of it.

Would anybody be sad if she left? No. Dohee knew herself that she had no presence anymore. People treated her as if she was invisible, just how Dohee wanted it to be.

Dohee just preferred to be alone. She wasn't a bully, she wasn't bullied, there was none of that. Just don't talk to her and she wouldn't talk to you. It was mutual. Nobody could hurt her this way or vice versa. That was what she was afraid of the most.

Sometimes bits and pieces of the memories she banished away in her mind came floating back. The past that gave her the future she was living in now.

After the incident years ago she closed herself off. It wasn't that hard to get everyone to leave her alone, she remembered being surprised at how easy it was. People gave up easily when there was nothing they could benefit from. 

All in all, she was still the person she used to be, just unapproachable and hidden somewhere. It was sad sometimes being so alone, but she looked on the bright side for the most part. There was no way Dohee could be any sadder than what she was already. There was no one left to hurt her.

The feeling of sadness didn't come often to her anyways, only when she saw couples hug or friends laughing together. She was content with everything.

It occurred to her that she used to be just like them. Everything used to be perfect. She had best friends and actually smiled. There was never a dull moment in life, now the only slits of sunshine was when she rode her bike. Or read poetry.

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