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Here's some uhm thirsty Lance before I disappear.

Lance was cussing up a storm as he examined the large cut on his hand. This is what he gets for cooking in Hunk's kitchen.

He hisses and wraps a bunch of paper towels around it before jamming his feet in a pair of shoes. He grabs his keys and races to his car.

He may be a mess since its 6am, but he's not risking getting an infection or some shit.

He needed stitches that was for sure. He looks at his attire before almost crying.

He was in his glasses, his hair was everywhere, he was in an oversized sweater, and for some reason very short sleep shorts.

When he gets to the E.R, he quickly turns the key and rips it out of the ignition. He slams his car door open and then slams it closed with his ass.

"God fucking shit!" He cries, the paper towels were making the cut sting. He quickly rushes in and to the front desk.

"Hello, I cut my hand while cutting some fruit for my breakfast. Clumsy me haha, I'm probably gonna need stitches, its quite deep and bleeding a lot as you can see." he waves the bloody towels around.

"Oh wow. Erm, could I have you fill this out? We'll have you in soon."

"Urgh. If I bleed out I'm suing."

"I don't believe you're going to bleed out sir, just fill this out quickly." the receptionist hands over a clipboard with papers along with a pen.

Lance grabs it and quickly fills it out. Signing his name like 20 times. Jeez so much legal work just for some damn stitches.

"Here. Jesus fuck." he hisses and thrusts the clipboard and pen back at the lady before rushing to sit down.

20 minutes later

"Lance McClain."

He hops up and follows the nurse into the back.

"How long is this gonna take? My buddy, Hunk is gonna freak when he sees the blood all over the counter and his cooking stuff."

"It just depends." the male nurse mutters, adjusting his large circular glasses.

Lance groans. Emergency rooms were so overrated. Why couldn't he have just went online and figured out how to do stitches at home.

Well one, they surprisingly did not have a first aid kit (which is a stupid idea) and two, Lance is terrified of needles.

"Doctor Shirogane should be in here soon. Go ahead and sit down and wait patiently." the nurse smiles.

"Yeap thanks dude."

"No prob."

That was a chill nurse. Maybe he liked memes. Who knows. Its just a nerdy nurse after all.

Lance waits 10 minutes before a ethereal man walks into the room. His jaw drops when he lays eyes on the man.

"I might have to get hurt more if this is what I'm gonna be seeing." Lance mutters.

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