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Uhhh here's a 2nd part to that last chapter ig.

Lance moped around in bed for weeks. He missed Shiro. He didn't miss being fucked, he missed just simply being around him. He missed Shiro's embrace and tender touches.

"Lance, I know you're upset about Shiro but you can't lay in bed all day." Hunk mutters, rubbing soothing circles into Lance's back.

"I just...I miss him. Like not the sex, but him."

"I know, bud."

"I want him back..."

"You wanna go get your mind off it? Go out and get drinks?"

"No, I just wanna lay here." Lance mutters.

"That's not healthy." Hunk sighs.

"I know."

At Shiro's, he's getting a lecture from his younger brother. He sits like a dog who knows its done something bad. If he had a tail, it'd be between his legs.

"You can't just fucking cut him off, Shiro. I know you like him and you're scared, but he told you he likes you too! You need to learn to trust people sometimes. Just 'cause someone betrayed your trust once doesn't mean someone else will do it." Keith is pissed, he wants the best for his brother.

The best definitely isn't getting blackout drunk and fucking anything with legs.

"You don't understand, Keith." Shiro mutters.

"Then help me to, Takashi." Keith crosses his arms over his chest.

"It doesn't matter. Lance and I established that rule and it got broken. We just need time. I'm fine."

"You're not fine. You go out and drink every night. You bring someone home each night and fuck them to you hearts content, but I know deep down you feel disgusting doing it. Just let yourself be vulnerable sometimes. It could do you some good."

"Just mind your own damn business. I don't even know why it matters to you."

"Because you're my brother, Shiro." Keith sighs, putting a stop to his pacing.

"Alright? And?"

"And you're fucking ruining yourself. You look like shit. Like you haven't truly slept in weeks. You miss him and its so damn obvious so go see him."

"I don't miss him. Even if I did I doubt he wants to see me." Shiro mumbles, refusing to look at Keith.

"You won't know unless you try, dumbass. C'mon give me your phone and you go take a shower, you fucking stink."

"Why d'you want my phone?"

"Gonna text Lance, c'mon hand it over." Keith puts out his hand, palm flat and facing up.

"Don't say any dumb shit." Shiro sighs, slapping the phone into Keith's hand.

He heads towards the bathroom with staggering steps, dark circles heavy under his eyes. Stubble overgrown and messy, his hair greasy and matted. He looked disgusting.

Lance's phone chimes with a new text and he perks up. Hunk raising an eyebrow as he watches Lance quickly grab for his phone.

"I- he- H-hunk!" Lance's eyes fill with tears, lip quivering as he looks at the text.

Its simple. Its asking if he can apologize in person.

"Did he text? What'd he say?!"

"He wants to know if I wanna come over."


"So he can apologize in person." Lance smiles.

"Well what are you waiting for? Hop in the shower and get ready! I'll pick out an outfit for you."

"I- okay. Thank you, Hunk, for just being here as my support system. Who knows what could've happened if you weren't here." Lance leans over and hugs Hunk tightly before he prances off to the bathroom.

When Shiro gets out of the bathroom he isn't expecting an outfit to be hung on his bedroom door.

"Keith?? What's this for?" Shiro calls into the living room, holding his towel around his waist.

"Lance is coming over." Keith calls back.

"What? No- Keith I don't want to see him!" Shiro has a panicked tone.

"You'll do fine, Taka'. This will be good for you. Lance is a good guy y'know." Keith says as he walks to the hallway Shiro is standing in.

"I know, Keith. I just- I'm a piece of shit. I don't- I don't want to hurt him.." Shiro sighs.

"You won't. Now get dressed, Im sure he'll be here soon. Text me on how it goes, okay?"

"Okay." Shiro mutters, grabbing the clothes off the door before he slips into his bedroom.

Its nothing fancy, just a pair of jeans and a sweater. He sighs, checking to see if he looked okay in the mirror. He slips his glasses on before he walks out of his room.

Keith jokingly wolf-whistles, grinning.

"Shut the hell up." Shiro laughs.

"Alright. I better head out before loverboy gets here." Keith smiles.

"Thanks, Keith."

"Its nothin' I just want what's best for you."

Shiro is then left alone with the swirling pit of anxiety as he waits for Lance. He was terrified.

Not much later a knock sounds at the door and Shiro stands up. He walks towards the door, his hand shaking as he turns the knob and opens it.

"Hey..." Lance smiles.

"H-hi." Shiro's face flushes, he closes the door after Lance steps in.

"You um- you look nice."

"Thank you. You do too." Shiro takes a look at Lance's outfit. It wasnt anything special.

A oversized t-shirt that had been tucked into a pair of jeans. It was cute. His hair was still damp from his shower, pieces dry and curling up.

Lance's face flushes and he bites his bottom lip slightly.


"Lance.. I'm- I'm shit at these types of things. Well..apologizing I mean. And relationships."

"Take your time." Lance smiles.

"I- I had a significant other before... I um- I proposed to him and we- we were engaged for a bit. He ended up cheating on me and I haven't really trusted anyone since then."

"Oh- I'm sorry.. I don't- I don't really know what to say."

"Its okay. I just- I need time y'know? S-so if you'll have me...and uh- if you'll be patient with me t-then I think I'll be able to do this."

"Really?" Lance's face lights up.

"Yeah." Shiro smiles.

Lance presses a kiss to Shiro's lips, cupping his face.

"That- thats not too much is it?"

"Not at all." Shiro smiles.

"Cool..that's- really-"

Shiro leans down and kisses Lance again, his hands resting upon Lance's hips.

"Thank you." Lance whispers.

Shiro laughs slightly, its music to Lance's ears.

"You're welcome." Shiro mutters, kissing him again.

Ope owo

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