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Athena stood outside of the airport waiting to see Zendaya and Lola pull up to pick her up. Lola had left Vancouver early so she could see Zendaya again because it had been so long. A black SUV pulled up and stopped in front of her. Zendaya came sprinting out of the car and quickly engulfed her longtime best friend into a tight hug.

"God, I missed you so fucking much." Zendaya laughed as the two smiled widely.

"I know. I missed you so much more. I never want to be separated for that long ever again." Athena said before Lola came walked out of the car slowly and rubbed her eyes seeing as she just woke up.

"Hi, Lola. It's been a couple days." Athena laughed at the sight of her best friend before she hugged her.

"I just took the best nap." Lola said before she pulled from the hug.

"Holy shit your birthday is tomorrow." Zendaya said as the girls loaded into the car after putting all of Athena's stuff into the back.

"I know. That's crazy." Athena said as she crawled into the backseat and leaned over the center console and looked between her two friends. "So how has Spidey been?"

"He's been a lot more mellow, surprisingly. What are you gonna do when you see him?" Zendaya replied as the girl leaned back into the seat and watched as Zendaya drove away from the airport.

"Rip each other's clothes off? Jump his bones?" Lola said which made the three laugh.

"No. I'm gonna talk to him." Athena replied which made the two others look at her in confusion. "What? We need to talk about this."

"Okay, so like your birthday is tomorrow, but since when are you so mature?" Zendaya asked jokingly.

"I don't know. I guess being away from my child friends got me more mature." Athena teased. "What was he doing when you all left?"

"Filming a scene with Robert." Lola replied as she pulled out a bag of chips.

"Wait. Robert Downey Junior? The iconic human himself? He will be there?" Athena asked as she leaned forwards once again.

"Yes, yes, and yes. They just started so they are probably still filming." Zendaya replied.

"Did he know what time I landed? I purposely didn't text him back all day." Athena asked as she looked between the two girls.

"Someone is nervous." Lola remarked.

"Well when you almost kiss someone two months ago it kinda leaves a girl wondering." Athena stated.

"No, I didn't tell him because I figured you wanted to surprise him." Zendaya replied to the girl who leaned back with a smile on her face.


Zendaya parked the car in the lot and the three girls quickly got out of the car. Athena's hands grew sweaty as she was growing more nervous. Lol walked around the car and grabbed Athena's things.

"We're gonna go put these in Tom's trailer. Wink wink. Stage three. Be quiet and make sure they are cut when you walk in. Don't be rude." Lola explained to the girl who took a deep breath.

"You got this girly. We love you and believe in you." Zendaya said as Lola grabbed her arm and pulled her away. The two girls turned around once more and blew her a kiss. Athena blew a kiss back before she began her walk to stage three.

Athena held her hands in her pocket as she looked around the set for stage three. A small smile creeped onto her face once she saw the green light that said, 'stage three'. She took a deep breath before she quietly opened the door and walked behind Anthony and Joe Russo. The two turned around, immediately recognizing the girl. She held a finger to her mouth signaling for them not to spoil her presence. Her eyes landed on Robert and her mouth hung open.

"Where's Tom?" Athena asked Joe.

"He's getting his makeup touched up right over there. I can get Robert over here if you want to meet him." Joe replied as Athena nodded her head. "Robert. Come check out this scene and see if you want anything touched up." Robert nodded his head and walked over and smiled as soon as his eyes landed on the girl.

"Hey, Athena. It's nice to finally meet you. Tom talks about you nonstop. Does he know that you're here?" Robert asked as he shook Athena's hand.

"Hey—uh—hi. And, um, no. He knew I was coming today, but didn't know when. It's supposed to be a surprise for him. Two months is a long time." Athena replied, completely star struck.

"He told me what happened. He also said he regretted not kissing you." Robert said to the girl.

"Yeah, um, I feel the same. We're supposed to talk about it sometime. It's amazing to meet you, sir." Athena said happily.

"Oh, please don't call me that. That makes me sound like I'm an old man. Robert, please." Robert said. "Want to be in the gag reel for the movie?"

"Uh, sure. What do you want me to do?" Athena asked, her nerves growing more and more by the second.

"Go surprise Tom. He should be out of makeup any second. It'll be a funny thing to look back at." Robert said with a warm and friendly smile.

"I'll get the cameras rolling." Joe said with a smile before Robert patted her shoulder and walked back onto the set for the scene they were filming.

"Spidey boy, are you ready for the final scene of the day?" Robert called out to Tom who came out with his mask in his hand.

"I'm ready." Tom replied as he walked over to Robert.

Joe and Anthony gave Athena a thumbs up meaning the cameras were rolling. Joe gave her a friendly push and she stumbled out onto the set and walked behind Tom while Robert smiled passed Tom and to the girl.

"I can't believe you didn't introduce me to this icon any sooner." Athena smiled as Tom turned around with a wide smile on his face.

"What? When—I don't care." Tom said as he quickly made his way towards Athena and connected his lips to hers. Tom's hands gripped her waist and her hands were wrapped in his hair. The two smiled into the kiss before they put their foreheads together and laughed. "I should have kissed you two months ago."

"I should have kissed you. I don't think I have regretted anything more." Athena smiled before the two pulled apart and embraced each other. "Your ass looks good." Athena whispered into his ear.

"Thank you. It's the thong." Tom whispered back which made the two laugh.

"And cut." Joe yelled as he cut the cameras off which resulted in Tom looking at him confused. "It's going in the gag reel."

"Everyone can see the moment Tomthena became a thing." Robert said to the two.

"I get to spend a whole week with her!" Tom yelled proudly to the crew as he plunged to a smiling Athena.

"Actually, Tom. You get as long as you want. Athena got most of her filming done early and she only has to film for one more week. Luckily enough, that's the week you were just given off." Robert said to Tom who was smiling widely.

"Really? Thank you so much." Tom said happily.

"Go get through this scene. It's your last one. I'll be here watching you do what you love." Athena smiled before she placed a kiss on his cheek and walked off camera and sat in Tom's chair by the two directors.

"Let's just get through this cut and we are wrapped for the day. Make it a good one for our guest Athena here." Joe called out to the actors on set. "And action!"

Athena stood with her hands clasped together pressed to her face. A wide smile was plastered on her face as she thought about how happy she finally was.

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