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Athena, Zendaya, and Lola all sat in Tom's trailer playing their favorite childhood board game—clue. The three girls laughed amongst themselves as they occupied themselves while Tom was filming his last scene of the day. A knock came from the trailer door which made Athena set her stuff down and open the door to see a crew member smiling at her.

"Hi, Miss O'Brien. You have been invited to go to Downey Town for lunch." The man smiled as he looked at the smiling girl.

"Oh, I'm okay here. I'm not really dressed to go out in public today. Thank you for the offer." Athena smiled before she heard Zendaya and Lola laugh which caused her to turn around. "What?"

"Downey Town. It's four trailers made into a square with a garden and a grill in the middle. As in Robert's Downey Town." Zendaya explained to the girl who's facial expressions changed drastically.

"Holy shit—I mean fuck—fuck. Yes, yes. I will be there. Just let me grab my shoes." Athena said nervously as the crew member laughed at the girl who scrambled to go grab her crocs that were by the couch. "I'll be back soon, girls. Don't party too hard."

"We wouldn't do that without you." Lola laughed as Athena ran out the door and to the golf cart that the worker had been waiting on her in.

"Happy birthday, by the way. It's a big day." The worker smiled kindly at the girl as he began to drive towards Robert's trailers.

"Thank you. I'm excited. Do you know when Tom will be done filming? If not it's okay, don't worry about it." Athena asked the kind man as he parked the cart outside the four trailers.

"He should be done within the hour." The man said as Athena stepped off of the cart.

"Awesome. Thank you for the ride." Athena smiled and waved before she walked over to the entrance to Downey Town.

"Ah, Athena." Robert said as he came walking out with his arms open for a hug. "Happy birthday, darling. It's a big one."

"Thank you so much. This is actually really fucking cool." Athena laughed as she looked around at what Roberts had put together.

"Thank you. I got you something." Robert snapped his fingers before he turned to grab the small Tiffany blue bag.

"Robert, you didn't have to get me anything. We only met yesterday and I don't expect a gift from anyone." Athena said as Robert pushed the bag closer to her.

"Please. It's for you. Tom has told me so much about you, so it basically felt like I did know you already." Robert said as Athena slowly took the bag.

Athena pulled out the small blue box and pulled the white ribbon open to see the Tiffany & Co. Two Ring. The ring was golden and had dominos embedded onto the metal. A wide smile spread across her face as she slowly slipped the ring onto her middle finger.

"Tom told me how much you loved rings, so I got you one." Robert said with a smile.

"Thank you so, so much, Robert. You really did not have to get me anything, but I appreciate it greatly." Athena hugged him tightly before he sat down at the table outside and handed her a plate.

"I made burgers. Do you like them?" Robert asked as a man brought over a platter of burgers for the two to choose from.

"Yes, I love them." Athena smiled as she reached into the pan and grabbed a burger.

The two sat at the table enjoying their burgers and each others company as Robert waited for Tom to finish his scene. Robert was great company and a really humorous. He had even taken the time to set up some small decorations for the girl. Robert looked over Athena's shoulder and at Tom who was jogging over, still dressed in his Spider-Man wardrobe.

"Took you only ten years." Robert joked with Tom who fake laughed before he wrapped his arms around the birthday girl. "Happy birthday, gorgeous."

"Thank you, Tom." Athena smiled before she placed a kiss to his cheek.

"Nice ring. Robert's gift?" Tom asked as he pulled a chair over and sat down next to Athena.

"Yes and a very generous gift at so." Athena replied. "Nice to see you all dressed up."

"This takes like forty minutes to take off and I wanted to come see you." Tom smiled at the girl before they both looked at Robert who was gagging at Tom.

"So cheesy, Holland. I don't see why this poor girl was so inclined to actually want to hang out with you voluntarily." Robert joked before he stood up. "I'm gonna head out. Help yourselves and happy birthday, Athena."

"Thank you." Athena smiled widely at Robert as the two watched him walk away.

Tom swiftly brought his lips to Athena's. The two smiled into the gentle kiss causing them to break.

"I have one last press interview tomorrow and i was hoping that you would join me. As soon as they heard you were in town, they immediately emailed my agent and asked if you could join." Tom stated as the two stood up and began to make their way back to Tom's trailer.

"Yeah, yes. Of course I'll join you." Athena replied before she looked to her left to see Chris Pratt walking by. She hit Tom's arm excitedly as she pointed to him. "I have watched every Guardians of The Galaxy movie and every other film he has been in."

"Go say hi." Tom laughed as he urged the girl forward.

"Hell no. I can't just walk up to him. He's Chris fucking Pratt." Athena said.

"And you're Athena fucking O'Brien." Athena shook her head. "Fine. Chris, someone wants to say hi." Chris turned and smiled as he walked over to the two.

"Oh, hey, Athena. Happy birthday." Chris smiled at the girl who sat there in shock.

"H—hi. Thank you. How do you know my name?" Athena asked nervously.

"You're kind of a legend around here thanks to Tom. And I watch Riverdale." Chris stated which made the girl laugh nervously. "I'm still mad about Clifford killing Jason and Fred getting shot. Like come on. Does he survive?"

"Uh, I actually can't say that." Athena admitted.

"Yeah, mate. She won't even tell me anything." Tom laughed. "We should get going. We have a party to get to." Tom grabbed Athena's hand and turned around as Athena nodded her head, meaning that Fred did indeed survive.


After Athena went to eat lunch with Robert, Haz, Lola, and Zendaya went back to Tom's apartment to set up for the party with her close friends. She didn't want anything too crazy, but just to be around the people she loved. And that's what she did.

Athena currently laid on the couch with an empty bottle of wine in one arm and an empty glass in the other. Tom was the only one to stay completely sober throughout the party. He walked over to the sleeping girl and gently removed the empty bottle and glass away from her and placed it on the table in the kitchen. His arms slid under her body and gently lifted her up. Athena laid her head on his chest which brought a smile to Tom's face. Tom walked Athena to his room and carefully placed her down onto the bed and pulled the comforter over her body. He turned to walk away, but Athena grabbed his hand before he could get too far.

"No. Stay." Athen mumbled, but it was just enough for him to understand and crawl into bed beside her.

Tom respectfully didn't touch her unless she asked. Athena rolled over and placed her head on Tom's chest and wrapped her arm over his waist. He smiled before he kissed the top of her head.

"Best birthday ever."

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