Chapter 10.

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"Yooo she's wild my nigga" Mike said

"Mane what da hell wrong with ya ass" I snatched the gun from her and gave it back to O

"I told that nigga stop thinking he was gonna keep talking to me any kinda way"

"That's why you missed bitch!" Trey snapped

"She didn't miss my much bro" Chris laughed while looking at the hole in the wall behind trey head

"Keep in mind that I missed that shot outta respect for August! If You wasn't his Bestfriend you would've been dead nigga! I don't miss, so next time I pull a gun on you just know it'll be to end your life"

Trey kicked the garbage can over and walked out the office slamming the door. I shook my head "so nobody gonna go see if that nigga okay?" I asked

"Thats your Bestfriend my guy" chris pulled out his phone and started texting

"Yo everybody get out. Give me 10 mins" I rubbed my hands down my face. They all started to leave

"Not you Zen, stay" she rolled her eyes and closed the door behind them

"Come hea" I motioned her with my finger

She stood in front of me with her arms crossed and I could tell she was still fuming "wassup with you baybeh girl" I pulled her down onto my lap

"I don't like that nigga Aug"

"Why?" I pulled her body completely against me

"He just gives me bad vibes and the nigga always talking shit & if he gonna continue to talk shit he better be able to back it up. Cause I'll back up everything I say to that nigga. If he thinks he puts fear in my heart he got another thing coming"

At this point I could feel the heat coming off her and I knew she was pissed "Why you been so aggressive today? You on your period? What's up?"

"I was fine all day! That nigga got under my skin"

"I honestly didn't think you get like this"

"I'm usually good at controlling my anger but it's just something about that nigga" she huffed and ran her hand down her face

"If it's any consolation.... I don't like your ass either" trey said as he came back through the door

"Yo I asked for 10mins"

"Trey you think I care if you like me or not??" She stood up out my lap but I pulled her back down

"I didn't want you here! None of us wanted your ass here! I warned August about your ass. August as my Bestfriend you should've taken my word, this bitch is gonna fuck us up. She gonna mess shit up. How you trusting shorty who disappeared on you for months without a call or a text"

She yanked my arms from around her and stood up "a call or a text?!?!? I didnt even know he was out of jail you fucking bozo and as for turning my back on him I was scared! But even if I wasn't there would have been no way for me to see him because I got fired that day I walked away from him.. not cause I was bad at my job but just cause I had fell in Like with this nigga, because I actually cared about him so I didn't even bother arguing for my job"

"Don't ever question my loyalty to him or anyone close to him except you cause every bone in my body is telling me you a slime ass nigga"

"He's not gonna do me dirty Zen. Chill out" I made her sit back on my lap

"August you were gone for 7 years. Shit changes, A snake always keeps a straight face"

"Bro get out let me talk to her"

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