It is indeed another moment to celebrate . Cheers to the both of us! Lols. Mema lung. To the only man who tore me apart 😂 To the man who mean the most to me. To the only one here in my memory. To the man who makes me happy. To the one who loves me genuinely and to the one with a strange personality. To my Dee. DaDee. Lloydee. Baby 😂 HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You're totally a full-grown man now ( not in physical appearance, saree) You have to strive harder now to be your ideal self alright? It will lead you to a true victory!
I am too happy because through almost 3 years of your existence in my life, you are still the man that makes my heart beats irregularly. You are still the man I wanna be with in the very near future. And you are still the man I wanna take care of, I wanna hug, I wanna kiss, I wanna love and I wanna miss. I am dumb and speechless Dee. I dunno what to do, dunno what to say 😢
Though we'll be apart from now on, I'd hope that destiny will make its way. Then apparently, our path will meet again. How I wish I would still be the best woman you'll found and see for the rest of your life!
Padaba. Thankyou for the patience, for the love and support. For being the best bestfriend I'd ever had. And for being the best boyfriend ever 😨 Padaba. Thankyou for staying. Thankyou for turning dark days into brighter ones. Thankyou for putting smile on my face. And thankyou for being a part of this messy life. Hey you! I'm crazy 😂 Heychu! Lols.
Dear Padaba♡
PuisiThese were my notes that I wrote everytime I'm mixed up. Lels! I just do some compilations of my own. I write everytime I' happy, feeling down and trouble? When I'm confused and weary. (Depending upon my emotions and the situation) I hope some woul...