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Hi!. This story is already on my profile in a Dutch version but I decided to post it in English as well because I've some English readers as well. I wrote this story for a school project. We had to make a shocking art piece and I wrote a story about a girl who was sexual abused by her father. Together with this story, a friend of mine made the photo's (which you can see on the cover of this story). You can see the result on the picture on the right (website) or the picture above (on the app).

My teacher said I was born to be a writer (I don't agree with that though) and asked me if I want to do something with that later. But yeah, I don't, I want to be a doctor hahaha. Anyway, I decided to put this story on wattpad so you guys can read it and tell me what you think about it, I'm curious. 

So like I told, the story is about a girl who is sexually abused by her uncle. There are 6 parts in this story, each belong with a age. The photo's on the cover all belong with an age and the photo's describe the relationship between the girl and her uncle. If you want me to explain the photo's a bit more, just ask in the comments and I will do that! :)

Enjoy reading and please vote and comment what you think!

xxxxx Lotte

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