Chapter Five

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I've decided to change the character of Nick, i've seen Matt Atkinson on Jane By Design and i just can't picture him acting the way he is in this story. So, i've decided Cole Pendery would work better for the 'self-obsessed' behavoir. Sorry for the inconvinece. :)

& also, i'll go back into chapter four where i posted a picture of Nick & Swap Matt's out for Coles.


Chapter Five.

Spencers POV:

I could remember everything. Like one second my memory was gone and next it was there. It really is possible to shut something out of your mind, but one little memory can trigger the whole thing. It just explodes in your mind. It was a feeling i'd never forget. I remembered the anger,sorrow,pity,hurt. I also remembered the love,passion, and hope. I remembered Stiles young face, us playing on the swingset in the backyard. Going to the beach. Memories as simple as eating dinner as a family. The closest thing i had to a family. It was there. Stiles looked just as stunned, he looked on the verge of tears. We kind of stared at eachother. I had so many questions. All somehow relating to 'what the hell happened to you?' How did he end up here.

"What happened to you?" I sounded mezmorized.

"I went from house to house for about two years until i was adopted, and here i have been ever since." I had always had fantasies that one day he'd rescue me, but that was when i was young and actually believed something like that could happen. "I seriously can't believe your Ava's child."

"Is it so hard to believe that i'm Ava's, or that Ava is mine?" I stammered, feeling slightly offended..

"That Ava's yours. Your so, you. Not like Ava at all."

I thought about it. "And? What's so me?"

"Nice." He breathed.


"You're nice, Ava's not."

"Thanks." I murmured, not taking his compliment.

"It's a good thing, i would never be into you if you were a replica of Ava. Shes a bitch."

"So you're into me?" I grinned.

"Have i not made that clear?"

"Not quite." I smirked, enjoying his impatience.

To be honest, i didn't see it coming. It happened so fast i was still in awe from the whole 'knowing stiles since i was eight' thing. He practically grabbed me, his lips coliding with mine. Our mouths stayed closed, but it was the kind of kiss where you wanted more. In the moment, all my thoughts disappeared. I think for the first time in my entire life i was thinking about nothing. We broke away, gaping from the kiss. I remembered Ava's strict order to get my number changed after school. I pulled out my phone from in my bag looking at the time. 2:30. Great, school got out eight minutes ago.

"I'm suppose be somewhere." I said, gathering my stuff.

"Where?" he seemed curious.

"I have to change my number."

"I'll take you."

"Really? Thanks. Oh, and after we have to stop by the school and grab my car."

"Oh yeah, almost forgot about that."

"I can't forget about that." He laughed at my responce, sighing.

"I'm gunna change, not sure how the cell phone guy would react to me walking in like this." I glanced down at my body, i could feel his eyes eating up my body. My belly button ring, i got that as an act of rebellion when my foster parents of a year back banned me from getting it. I was only wearing a shirt with my bra hanging out and victorias secret panties that read PINK in big black letter across the butt.

"He'd probably faint." He smiled at my laughter.

"Wouldn't want that." I croaked, jumping from the car. I climbed the few stone stairs to the frount door. Unlocking it with my key, i threw my hair up in a messy bun. Swapped out my wet under garmets for dry ones, and threw on some yoga legging crop pants with a loose shirt. I wore flipflops instead of sandles. I used a bandana as a headband. I jogged out to the car.

"That was fast, aren't girls suppose to take forever to get ready?"

'Stereo type." I chimed.

"Ah, i see." He started the ignition and drove around until he found an AT&T store. We stepped inside.

"Hey, i need to get my number changed." I asked the guy working there.

"Alright great!" He said, leading me to a computer. I got my number changed and got a new phone cover.

"Uhmmm, Spence." Stiles said with an edge to his voice.

"Mhm?" i said, turning my head from the man i was buying my case from.

"We should probably go." He looked anxious.

"Alright." I said, thanking the guy at the store with a smile. He put his arm around me as we walked out, as though claiming me his.

"What was that about?" i asked, removing his arm from my back.

"Nothing." He sighed, clearly lying.

"Okay." I sing-songed. By the time we drove to school and grabbed mycar it was close to five o'clock and surprisingly Ava's car was in the driveway.

"You're cool with Ava right?"

"We are pretty close, she won't mind me being here. She might even like me more than you." He winked.

"Oh shut up." I playfully hit his arm. The door was open and we walked it.

"Stiles!" Ava cried. She was a totally different person. Smiley and bubbley.

"Ava!" He ran to her and hugged her.

"Have you made friends with my daughter?" She said, winking at him.

"Nah, i'm here for you." He joked.

She laughed. I was getting slightly annoyed. "Ah, Stiles. Well, should i go grab us all takeout?" She walked out the door and jumped into her porshe before either of us had time to reply.

"Guess were getting takeout." i sighed. "Plus we have absolutely no food here."

He looked like he knew something i didn't. "Takeout sounds good." I stayed silent. "So, where is Spencer staying in this lovely house?"

"Ava has a guest room."

"Never seen it before."

"Oh, so you don't believe me?" i teased.

"I guess you'll just have to show me.." I led him up the stairs and into my bedroom, we both sat on the bed.

"It's nice." He grinned.

"Thankyou." I sighed. There was a long pause. "What are you not telling me?"

"Hm?" He said, being distracted from his thoughts.

"You're obviously not telling me something."

"Oh." He hesitated. "You're just being paranoid.."

"No, i'm pretty sure i'm not." I was hurt by his inability to trust me.

"Spence-" he started.

"No, its fine. I just hate that you don't trust me."

"I do trust you!" he practically yelled.

"Not enough to tell me whatevers on your mind."

"Spencer, i jus-" I got up and stomped out of the room before he could finish. How could he honestly not trust me. I sat on the top step. His harsh voice cut through the air like a knife. "Ava adopted me."

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