Meeting 1D

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Acacia p.o.v:

I never knew anyone else was to get on this bus.. I quickly pull Luke infront of my scared and nervous. He gets what I'm hinting at by the looks of it cause he grabs my hand squeesing it reasuring me its okay.

I peek round to see the one and only Niall Horan standing infront of Mikey.. ummm am i seeing things? Then out of no where Harry walks in, followed my Louis, then Zayn, then of course Daddy Direction Liam. 

I start freaking out inside my head. Keep it in Acacia. One Direction are totally not standing in the same room as me never mind my crush Liam. AHHHHHH. Inner fan girl is so ready too explode. omg.

I quckly whisper into Lukes ear when no ones looking "am i seeing things or are One Direction standing infront of us?!" , Luke replys "maybe they are. Try not to fan girl now Acacia" in a whispered tone. Then suddenly Harry walks over and does a bro shake with Luke and spots me. FUC*!! Someone save me now, His curls are even more amazing in person and those dimples omg.

"Whos this pretty little lady then?" he asks me. I just stood there stairing at him with an awkward smile. Thankfully Luke buts in before I get any more awkward and run out the room if my inner fan girl doesnt ecplode before then. "This is my baby cousin Harry. Her names Acacia" Harry Smiles, "Cute name love"

Right then i just about died. Harry styles thinks my name is cute. okay okay, calm down Acacia.

Harry p.o.v:

Okay, Lukes cousin is beautiful. But i can't help notice how awkward she seems right now. Did we scare her? Is she just shy? hmmm..

She slowly came out from behind Luke and looked at everyone, i guess she might be a fan.. she looks like she's seeing things. Bless.

Niall pov:

I turn around about to go speak to the lads and I turn to see what they're all looking at, i follow their gase to see a girl.. That must be Lukes cousin he told me about. She's really pretty.. seems like someone who i could get along with.

I nudge the guys, causing them too look at me "right you lot, we arent meant to scare her according too Luke. He says his cousin doesnt usually speak to anyone until shes comfortable about them so just watch it okay?" I stated. They nod and we go and put our stuff away.

Acacia pov: 

I went and sat down on the sofa and continued to finnish my food and then noticed a blonde haired boy Niall sitting across from me stuffing his face on the food. I couldn't help but laugh. I think he noticed and looked at me then he mumbled "what?" .. 

Shit.. i might just go ahead and speak to everyone.. right?

"hello, earth to Acacia?" niall waved infront of my face? "hmm" i replied.

"you zoned out, you okay?", i just nodded. Way to go acacia.. hmm and a nod. really all you can come out with!!

"why were you laughing at me?" Niall questioned. "oh, you were stuffing your face.. I thought it was just things fans made up about you loving your food." I giggled trying to stay calm. "Oh no!! I love my food!" he stated and i smiled "I can now tell that"

Maybe talking wont be so bad afterall?

Luke Hemmings Cousin (1D and 5sos)Where stories live. Discover now