Soundcheck and old friends.

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Authors note:

I should be updating a lot more this week as I'm free all week:) and in this chapter I'm adding in a NEW CHARACTER.

Her name will be Rose who is also _x_lame_x_ on here!:)

Oh and I'm writing off my phone right now as my friends here and is sleeping now so sorry if it's a little suckish, love you guys and thanks for the 1k reads!!! This is unreal!

acacia pov:

So right now I'm sitting in my bunk texting a few friends as I haven't seen any of them in ages. I miss them:( I need to see a few of them since we're off tomorrow and staying here till tomorrow night. I'm actually so happy I get to see my old friends hopefully. And I hope the boys don't ruin this for me or I'll kill them, haha.

Calum pov:

I was away to fetch acacia from her bunk to tell her it's time for sound check, I went and slid her bunks curtain open a tad and spoke up "hi.. Umm. T-the boys have-have sent me too c-come and g-get you. It's time f-for soundcheck"

Shit why was I stuttering? Oh yeah, I was starting to like her...

She nodded and slipped off her bunk putting her phone in her pocket and jump on my back yelling "c'mon horsy goooo!!!" guess she was in a good mood now which made me smile. I started walking through to where the guys are and they all laughed at us, I started to blush a little hiding my face. Please don't notice, please don't notice.

"Awwwww is little Calum blushing!!" shit.. I looked up to see the boys laughing more and acacia jumped of my back obvious feeling awkward now.

Luke pov:

I was starting to get pissed. I knew Calum was starting to fall for Acacia and I was not happy..

Acacia looked so awkward when Louis said Calum was blushing. I needed to help her out. "Right let's go guys and shut it! You're making Acacia feel awkward!" I half yelled. They all looked startled but oh well.

We walked of the bus and started signing some autographs for fans and taking photos while acacia sort of just walked ahead feeling awkward until I heard someone yell "who's that skanky ass whore hanging with our boys" at her. She shook her head and tried to ignore it. "Who ever said that, that's my cousin and if anyone says anything nasty I will have you kicked out! Got me!" I yelled back at the fans a tad pissed and went after Acacia pulling her into a hug and she hugged back.

"Shhhh it's okay" I whispered. She nodded "I'm okay. Thanks lukey" she half smiled and walked in as us boys finished up.

Acacia pov:

I was a bit hurt at what a fan said but Luke did stand up for me and I was too scared to say anything back incase I was mobbed by angry fans. I just walked inside the stadium and straight to get food waiting for the boys. After 15 minutes they all showed up laughing and talking. When Liam seen me he smiled at me waving for me to go and join them. So I did happily.

After a little while of playing card games and watching them get changed they had sound check so I decided I'm going to stand up the front of the stage where all the security and back stagey type people stand.. You know, between the railing stopping the fans running and mobbing the boys and the stage. Yeah that bit. I walked out the front about 5 minutes before the came on so I could find a good spot.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I seen my old best friend who had moved away a few years ago, I wonder why she's here! I ran up the the barrier where she was and waved in her face laughing.

"Oi what the fuck are you d..." She cut herself of when she seen me and smiled just about crying.

"Omg Acacia!! Why are you here? And how the heck did you get that side of these?" She said pointing down to the barriers that stood between us. I laughed "Heyyy rose!" I said back. "In here because I have to be" I said looking down a bit sad and then looked up "did you hear about my parents?" she nodded smiling sympathetically at me "well remember my cousin Luke from when we were like 10?" She nodded just then as if it looked like I was on cue, 5sos came out and everyone started cheering even her. She started fan furling over them. I stood their laughing and she have me a weird look.

"See that one there?" I pointed to Luke. "That's my cousin Luke, the one you met when we were little" i stated smiling as soon I finished the sentence she started freaking out.

"No way, no freeking way is that out dorkey Luke. Nu-uh" she rambled slightly not wanting to believe it. I just nodded then waved at the boys as they spotted me and they all waved back smiling as Mikey ran over to me hugging me randomly off the side of the stage.

Put it this way, everyone went crazy! I laughed at his actions along with the boys. Then Luke started walking over to me as Mikey left and sat on the side of the stage and he said 1min to the guys and they nodded talking to fans. I looked so confused while Rose started to fan girl a little along with everyone else.

Lukes pov:

We finally got out on stage and I was happy! We all looked around to find acacia and when we did we all waved then I watched as Mikey ran up and hugged her of the stage making fans go crazy! We all burst into hysterics on stage even Acacia did as we seen everyone go mental. Then when Mikey let go and headed back I seen acacia go back to talking to a girl who may I say looked familiar to me. I started walking over to them as I said 1 minute to the lads as they started talking to fans.

I sat on the edge of the stage causing the fans there to go crazy, I turned off my mic while I talked to Acacia.

"Who's that you're talking to?" I questioned as she looked at me.

The girl next to her said "I'm rose. acacias old best friend" I nodded and smiles then it clicked "didn't we all hang out when we were younger" I asked which cause fans around her to start mumbling omg omg she's so lucky ahhhh etc and I laughed at them smiling. Rose nodded. I pulled Acacia close and whispered in her ear "want to take Rose backstage with you so you have a friend to speak too? And let yous catch up?" I asked and acacia instantly attacked me with a hug shouting "yes yes yes omg yes please!!!!" Causing some odd looks which I just shook of and then I tapped a security guard and told him to lift Rose over and get her a backstage pass. He nodded and before I new it rose came over and hugged me quickly "thank you lukey poo" I laughed and nodded "anytime" I got back on stage and watched as Acacia and Rose were almost in tears hugging. I smiled satisfied Acacia was now happy. Then I turned my mic on apologising and the fans yelled it's okays and we love you etc.

I got back to soundcheck. Before we knew it, ours was over and the 1D boys came out for theirs. I laughed at the reactions as I walked of stage and was greeted by two smiling girls..

Sorry this chapter was kind of rushed as it's now 5am and I'm tired haha. I love you guys though:) enjoy.

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