Episode 5: Kha'eeli

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Hey , hey , hey , hey!! My name is Kha'eeli (ka•ee•lee). That's K H A apostrophe E E L I! Get it right chileee. I'm just kidding, it's just that when I was younger no one really could say our names. I guess it's because we grew up in a West African house hold. If you ain't know I'm the youngest, now ya know!!! Lol , I play too much. I get that from my sister Kaori, Kaishaa and Kuiri can be so serious sometimes. I guess it's because they are the oldest. Well let's talk about ME!!! I'm 19 years old, I love music and the 90's and 90's MUSIC!! Lol, I also love me. I always have , i love me, my skin, my hair, my lips, I love everything about me. I love my sisters too. Me and Kuiri bond a lot , all of my sister are very spiritual but if I had to build a pyramid it would be Kuiri , then Kaori , then Me , then momma , then Kamori, and lastly Kaishaa. Kuiri and Kaori are at the top because they know their spiritual power and aren't afraid of it. Momma and Kamori are where they are because they are the MOST powerful, but they are afraid of their gift. It makes them feel like their crazy. Kaishaa is just in denial , she thinks that gravity and energy and the universe doesn't exist. She thinks that energy and vibes are attitudes , and that putting things into the universe is just praying. It's more than just praying , it's pulling things towards you with your mind. We all have our different talents and powers but I guess that will unfold more as you watch.

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