Chapter 5

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-Izuku Pov-
"Kacchan, wake up."

We were sitting in the empty classroom.

Aizawa had agreed to let him sleep, since sleep is precious.

I sat on his lap the whole day, it didn't bother me, he was cute when he slept.


"It's after school, you slept the whole day."

I got off of his lap, and started to pack up my stuff.

"Izuku, why did you let me sleep all day, you could've gotten up."

"Because last night I seen you studying, and I thought I'll let you sleep."


"Okay, let's go home."

We walked out of the school, I decided to hold his hand, he surprisingly didn't let my hand go.

"Kacchan, why don't you ever let other girls in your life?"

"Just because, most of them are sluts or they just want my body other they want to have sex with me."

"I don't want you for your body, or sex, and I'm guessing you don't think of me as a slut, mainly because you would have told me anyway."

"Well you're an exception, that's it..."

-Time skip to home-

-Izuku Pov-

Mom was out with Matsuro at the store, Kacchan was upstairs doing homework, which left me and Mitsuki.

"Izuku, are you dating Katsuki?" Mitsuki asked.

", why would I?"

"Uh, let's try not to make this as awkward as possible but, I accidently walked in on you two having sex..."

My face turned to dark red.

She seen us, she seen us, she seen us, she seen us, she seen us...!

"Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with it but, he didn't cum in you did he?"

She acts so normal about it...


"Okay then, that's fine, I'm not really the most strictest parents, but if you have a child make sure you're ready, ok?"

I nodded, and ran upstairs in Kacchan's room and shut the door.

"Uh...hi?" He said.

"Your mom walked in on us you know that right?!"

"Was she fine with it?"


"It's ok."

"How is that ok?!"

"Well, a few week's ago I did a set up for Mina and Kirishima."

"So how it happened, I set up a "Study group", basically I left and then ya know, neither of them were virgins by the time I came back." He continues.

"So how long were you gone?" I asked.

"About 20 minutes..."

"So what's the point of this story?"

"So anyway, there was some damn cum on the carpet, and that old hag down there seen it and thought I was masturbating or something."


"So I told her what happened, and she said, and I quote, 'It's alright just clean up the fucking cum next time.' And yea."

"How is your mom so calm about it?"

"Well another story, I walked in on her and fire breath, and basically there was her moisturizer all over the place and yea I was permanently shook for life."

"You and your family is weird a.f."

"I know, but they're alright."

"Cuddle with me." He adds.

"Uh what?"

"Just come here."

I walked over to him and laid down in front of him. He covered us with a black fluffy blanket.

"Am I interrupting you two?" Mitsuki was standing at the door.

"Nah." I said.

"What do you want old hag?"

"So the investigators said that they have the person who burned down your house. His name is Todoroki Shouto. They said come in tomorrow after school."

"Now you two get back to what you were doing, awww so cute~"

She shut the door behind her and I rolled over to face Kacchan.

"You alright, I mean with half and half?"

"Yea, its fine. If it didn't happen, I wouldn't be here."

"Alright, but I'll kill him for trying to kill you."

"Awww, thanks~"

-Cuddle time ❤-

-The next day after school-

"Come on Kacchan, we have to get there on time."

"Alright, get on my back."

"Uh ok?"

I got on his back and held on to his shoulders for dear life as he blasted through the streets.

"We're here."

I let go of his shoulders, he was holding my hand making sure I was okay.

We go into the room, Todoroki sitting in a chair, handcuffed and with some sort of restraint, not letting him use either of his quirks.

"Todoroki, why did you set my house on fire?"



"Kacchan calm down..."


"I had to do it, or my brother would have done it..." He spoke up.

"Well who's your brother?"


(Yes I believe the theory now go on)

"He told me if I didn't burn down your house he would kill my mom, and the rest of my family."

"Well why would come after me?"

"Because he said that 'Tenko' would think that would break Bakugou to be one of him..."

"Well that ass would have been wrong, I don't break easily."

Todoroki went to reach for my hand, Kacchan blasted his hand away, burning his flesh in the process.

"Don't touch her."

"Kacchan, let's leave okay?"


Me and Kacchan left.

Why would he want Kacchan, he may not look it or act it, but he is a nice person.

When we got home, we just relaxed the rest of the night, cuddle time ya know.

(Anime cuddlez are the cutest)

"Izuku, I haven't professionally asked you yet, but will you be my girlfriend?"



Idk how I feel about this book anymore.

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