Teen Mom Part 3

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Chapter 3 Shopping

After I told Kristina that Nathan would be helping she was thrilled. She had told me Ryan is adopting the baby.



"Why are you still cutting yourself?"

"It helps get out my feelings."

"You need to stop!"

"Ok I will!"

"If you don't and I find out you do I won't give you another chance to!"

"Ok ok!"

After I talked to Kristina I went to Nathan's room. It looked like he went to bed early. i had to roll my eyes at this. He always went to bed early and got up late. I lay down on the floor next to his and waited for him to get up, but i fell asleep. I still woke up before he did and waited. I dozed off until I felt his lips against mine.

"Hey sunshine."


"You are my sunshine! You light up my world."

"Aww honey!"

"You ready for shopping?"


"Should we really go shopping before we know the sex of the baby?"

"Well I really want a girl so let's get girl things!'

"What if we don't have a girl?"

"Well it gives me hope! Maybe Kristina will!"

"Ok? I still want to check after though."

"Ok if you really want to."

"What? Don't you want to?"

"Well I will go if you want to."

"I'm not going."


"You don't want to."

"Ahhh you know me to well."


"You know what I've noticed?"


"Kristina's developing a baby bump and I'm not. I hope she's going to be ok!"


"Well yeah haven't you listened to what I said to you 5 min ago?"

"Oh yeah!"

*During shopping*

We only picked up a blanket and a shirt because we would get more from the baby shower. When I went to the bathroom though and got out I couldn't find Nathan anywhere. I wonder where he wandered off to?

Teen Mom Sequel to what has happened to my life?Where stories live. Discover now