Teen Mom Part 12

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Chapter 12 Lost,tired, and cold. Anger mixed in

I heard the front door open, but I was having too much fun with my kids. Kristina walked by and smiled. She went past my room to her's.

"We need to have a family meeting!!" I heard her yell.

I immdediatly sit up. I carry Drew and Nathan takes Juliet. We all head into the living room.

"I have some bad news."

"Mommy why are you crying?" Samuel said in a suger sweet voice.

Kristina starts crying even harder.

"I'm going to die in four months...."

The room started spinning. I couldn't breathe. She was going to die in four months? Wha? I looked up at her Ryan had picked her up. The waterworks were starting. I held onto Nathan keeping myself from being swept away into the deep sea. I felt cold.

"Can everyone go and life their lives for me? I must get prepared for my death."

We all left. I was about to turn and talk to her, but I could hear her typing on the computer. I felt dead. I dragged myself to her room. Before I made it to her room I looked to the left where my room was. Could it only have been 5 minutes ago where we were all a big happy family? The room seemed dull now. I trudged past it and into her room. I dropped to my knees and looked around me. There were pictures of everyone on the walls and on the dresser. I pushed myself up. I went back to the living room. Kristina wasn't there anymore. I looked around the house. I finally found her. In my room? She was facing the window. In one hand she had a piece of paper. The other something dark. A gun?!?!

"Kristina!" I yelleld shocked.

She spun around.

"Ivy! I didn't want you to see this."

She raised the gun so that it was pointed at her head.

"Please don't do this!" I pleaded.

"There's nothing left for me."

"So Ryan, Nathan, Samuel, Drew, Juliet, and I are nothing to you?" I was just saying this to get her to stop.

There was a flash of doubt in her eyes, but determination.

"No you guys are everything, but might as well end it now instead of giving you happy times then dying."

"NO!!!!!!" I screamed.

It couldn't be heard over the loud ring the gun made. I fell to my knees. I stared at her body. Her head bent at an odd angle from the bullet's effect. Her pure blue eyes wide open and staring at the ceiling. Her golden hair splayed around her. The blood ran into the carpet making a big red spot. I felt lost. Cold like she must be feeling. Everyone came rushing in. Crys of anguish. They all went around me and gathered around her. I just kneeled motionless in the doorway. I wonder if she was watching right now. Watching all of the sorrow she has caused. I didn't shed a tear. I would never forgive her for doing this to us all. Especially for herself. She gave the kids to Ryan who she described as the most amazing man. She left her things to me. The money was split for her two beautiful children. She said she loved mom and dad and Nathan. The anger boiled up in me. I didn't believe a single one of these words.

Teen Mom Sequel to what has happened to my life?Where stories live. Discover now