Teen Mom Part 9

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Chapter 9 The Big Day!

The wedding was coming up in two days! We had made some changes. Juliet would be the flower girl and Sameul would be the ring bearer. Drake was Nathan's second best man. Drake was such a sweet boy. Even though he was only 10 he had a lot in him. Even though I only knew him for a few days I loved him like a baby brother. I shook my head laughing at all the funny things he had done in the 5 days since Kristina adopted him. I would have to take him to see a movie or something to get to know him better. I got ready dinner so that mom could relax. For dinner tonight was meatball subs.

"Dinner!" I shouted so that the whole house could here.

Everyone rushed to the dining room. Nathan pulled my chair out for me.

"Thanks." I giggled.

We all dug in. Drake ate two and a half subs. He eat's like a pig, but he was muscular. Even though he eat a lot he was still skinny. I only ate about 2 thirds of it. I knew I had to eat more. Nathan gave me concerned looks though. Kristina had struck up a big convo with Ryan and Drake. I smiled. Since I had finished eating I started feeding the kids. This was going to be tough. I took about half a sub for the both of them.

"Eat up!"

They were both laughing. I tried to get some food into their mouths. I tried to get Drew to eat some first.

"Come on sweetie." I said sweetly trying to get him to eat.

I managed to get him to eat some of it. For the rest.... It was all over his shirt. Juliet was a lot easier. She was like me and didn't eat a lot. When dinner was over my hair was all crazy and Drew was covered in food. Note to self make something that didn't have sauce next time like salad.

"Honey could you give the kids a bath?"


Nathan carried them both off to the bathroom. I had forgotten about Sameul! I looked over at Kristina. She was having a lot of fun with Drake so I went to get Sameul.

"Hi sweetie." I said in a soft voice as to not alarm him.

I gently picked him up and fed him some cereal to see if it would work out better than the subs. It seemed to. I put him back to bed and collapsed on the couch in the living room exhausted. I drifted off, listening to the sound of Kristina and Drake talking. I fell in a deep sleep and had an amazing dream.

*Beginning of Dream*

It felt like I was someone else looking in because I saw myself in an umfamiliar room. I was wearing a big ball room gown. I had on a veil that covered my face. On top of it was a crown. I was sitting in front of a dresser waiting for someone to do my makeup. Kristina burst through the big white doors. She looked amazing. She had on a flowing blue gown. Her hair was a solid water fall of gold around her shoulders.

"Are you ready?" She sang.

"I still need someone to do my makeup."

"Lucky for you I'm here!"

She finished my makeup in seconds. i was scared to look in the mirror. Kristina didn't give me a chance to anyway. She handed me the bouquet and pulled me out the door. She quickly took her place. My dad was waiting for me and the beginning of the aisle. He took me down it and I saw Nathan waiting at the other end.

*End of Dream*

I woke up and found myself smiling.

*Two days later*

Instead of the beach we decided to do a traditional church. I looked in the body mirror and admired the ball gown that was in my dreams. Mom walked intto the room.

"How's it going honey?"


"We all are."

She placed the veil on top of my hair which was piled on my head. The veil made it look like I was wearing a crown.

"Got to go! I have to take my place."

I let out a deep breath. I walked out of the room and saw that dad was waiting outside.



He had on a proud smile. I hooked my arm through his. The doors opened and the wedding march started. At the end of the aisle was Nathan. He looked stunning in the black tuxedo. His face lit up when he saw me. I wanted to run down and swing myself up into his warm arms, but I remebered there was a room full of people so I controlled myself. Finally I got down the aisle.

"I do." I said choking up.

"I do." Nathan said it proudly.

"You may kiss the bride."

Nathan swung me down and kissed me passionatly. I forgot about everyone in the room and kissed him back. We broke away when we started hearing coughs. He made me feel beautiful. Everyone clapped. Nathan swung me into his rms and carried me to the car. We were headed off to our honeymoon!

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