Teen Mom Part 7

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Chapter 7 Suprise!!

"What's wrong?!?!" I screamed.

"There's another one coming."

"Another what?"



I didn't hear the answer though because my attention was forced back on the other baby. I pushed and I was so relieved when the pain stopped.

"This one's a boy!"

The nurse washed the babies up and handed them to me. One was wrapped in a blue blanket and the other in a pink.

"Juliet and Drew." I cooed. Nathan was by my side and laughing with relief.

"My beautiful babies."

"It seems you aren't the only part of my life anymore."

"Neither are you."

I sighed content and my head fell against Nathan's arm. I was exhausted.

"Nathan... take the babies..... I can't breathe!"

Nathan swept the babies away from me.

"Nurse!!! She can't breathe and her pulse is slowing down!" Panic filled his voice. Eerily the babies stoped crying. I pawwed at his arm. He bent down next to me.


"Ivy please! Stay with me!"

I felt my throat closing up. I tried not to show the pain, but I was never really good at hiding things. I squeezed my eyes shut and squeezed my mouth together. A tear escaped my eyes. I felt something wet and warm drip on my cheek which made me open my eyes. I looked up and saw that Nathan was crying. This was new. I've never seen him cry since I've known him. I started seeing black and white dots bounce around. They ruined Nathan's face. It felt like someone was shoving something down my throat. I have never felt anything so painful. I wanted to talk to Kristina if I didn't make it, but I couldn't. The docter had put in the tube without cutting my throat.

*After panicking!*

"Docter what happened?" My throat was sore and my voice was really hoarse.

"It seems that you didn't eat enough so you didn't gain the needed weight that was needed for pregnancy. You actually lost weight and was underweight even if you weren't pregnant. This made you more susceptibale to infections. You got a virus and it spread to your throat."

The docter's brow furrowed.

"Thanks for saving me. Do you have any info on Kristina?"

"It seems that the docter that was with her made a severe mistake. She did something wrong when she cut the cord. I'm afraid your friend can't have any more children."

I covered my mouth. I swallowed and said, "Thank you. When can I visit her?"

"Right now. I can wheel you over. Do you want to bring your kids with you?"

"Yes please and thank you."

He got me a wheelchair and rolled me over to the room where they keeped the babies. I saw my two angels. He went in and got them. We headed over to Kristina's room.

"I can take it from here." I said looking up at the docter.

"Hey! How's it going?"

"Good. Where have you been?"

"Sorry, but I almost died."

"Oh." Kristina's face was filled with regret.

"So did you have a boy or girl?"

"We had our Samuel!" Ryan looked so proud.

"Yeah how about you?" Kristina looked at me curious.

"I had both!"

"Oh my gawd! No way!!"

"Yeah! I had my Juliet and Drew."

"That is amazing!"

"Yeah congratulations! Can I see my neice and nephew in law?" Ryan actually seemed interested in my life. He never actually talked to me. I carefully put Juliet in the cradle he made.

"She's beautiful!"

"Thank you!" I had on a huge smile.

"Do you want to see Drew now?"


He was holding both of my babies now.

"Hey where's my bro?" Kristina chimed in.

I looked around. Uh oh.... I had forgotten about him! What kind of fiancee was I?

"I don't know, but I'm going to go look." I tried to stand up because I knew the wheelchair would be to slow. I grunted because I was still sore from earlier. I had to hold on to the walls to get back to my room. I left Ryan and Kristina talking over the kids. Maybe it would've been faster to go by wheelchair. And easier. I passed by a big metal container and saw how bad I looked. There was happiness in my eyes, but also tiredness. My hair was plastered to my face. A ghost in my eyes. My face was as pale as a sheet. My lips dry and cracked. Inside though I felt overwhelmed. What was I going to do? I would have to get a job if mom and dad didn't help. Which I hoped they did. I kept walking to my room though. When I got there I was breathing really hard. I almost fell on the floor. Instead I held steady because I saw Nathan on a chair across the room with sunglasses on. He was staring at me. Or was he? I slowly made my way to him. I fell onto the floor and rested my head against the wall. When I got my breath back I stood up. It was a little easier this time. I took off his glasses and saw that he was asleep. I keep him on the cheek and got ready to leave. Nathan started waking up.


"Hey sweetheart."

"Hey are you ok?"

"Yeah yeah I was just at Kristina's room and didn't notice that you were here so I went without you. So I came back to get you, but I didn't use my wheelchair because I thought it would be to slow. Sorry!"

"What are you sorry for?"

"For forgetting you and making you walk with me at my pace."

"Who said you were walking?"


Nathan scooped me up from the floor and started walking to Kristina's, but he was walking slower then nesscary. I smiled.

"How can you carry me?"

"How can't I?"

"Do you know how heavy I am?"

"10 pounds?"

I tapped his nose laughing. Sadly we got to her room. Ryan was asleep on the bed with Kristina and all three of the babies was in between them sleeping.

Teen Mom Sequel to what has happened to my life?Where stories live. Discover now