Chapter 1

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I can be an asshole of the grandest kind
I can withhold like it's going out of style
I can be the moodiest baby and you've never met anyone
Who is as negative as I am sometimes


"P'Kitkat!!!!" Is what welcomed me when I opened the door to my room. It is ten in the evening and I'm dead tired. I just got back from group study and found Ming in my room. Now I am starting to regret giving him a spare key.

"I have a surprise for you." Ming said smiling from ear to ear. Almost running to welcome me as I entered the room. I envy him he still have this much energy while I feel like my soul will left me any moment.

"What is it?" I asked. He walk closer to me while waving a piece of paper. That annoying smile plastered on his face. 'Shit. I know that smile. This could only mean one thing...'

"I got us a reservation next Saturday on the newly open hot spring resort. You know the one on the news." He said. Handing the printed voucher of our reservation to me. I took the paper but can't seem to comprehend what's written on it. I can feel my head starts to ache. 'I knew it! That smile could only mean he planned another one of this ridiculous dates! Saturday?!'

"I can't go. I have already signed up as a volunteer for a medical mission next Saturday." I said while watching his smile changed into frown.

"Can you back out? I'm sure there are others who can take your slot. Please?" He is now pouting and giving me those puppy eyes. "It was really..."

"I can't do that." I cut him off. I can't give in to him. "I'm sorry, Ming." I am really sorry but I have to be clear on my priorities. And right now my studies is more important. "There will be plus points on our final grade for volunteering. You know I need as much extra points I can get."

Smile completely disappeared from his face. He is now looking at me with a sad face. "P'. It was really hard to get this reservation. And it is after exams so I was thinking it's a chance for us to relax and enjoy each others company.  And it's my.."

"You know med students do not have time to relax. After the exams there will be a new block." I cut him off again. "Ming, I'm already in my third year. It is a critical year. And I will get more busy..."

"I know! That's why I want us to have this weekend before your new block starts." I can now hear the frustration on his voice. I know this got him so excited already but he must also know I do not have time now for this kind of things. Third year is a very critical year as this is the last year for lectures. Next year we'll have hospital duties. I can't do this spontaneous dates like before.

"You should have told me in advance so that I will be able to fix my schedule." I am so tired I don't have the energy to argue with him. My head is throbbing now.

"That won't be called a surprise anymore!" He shouted. He's always like this. He will plan everything by himself. And if I say no he'll be frustratingly hard to handle. "I was just asking for a weekend. Just one weekend." He continue. "I hardly saw you this week. I know I can't see you next week because of exams. I want to spend time with you. And it's my.."

With the stress for the upcoming exams and the lack of sleep these past few days. I lose it. "You know from the start how it's gonna be dating a med student. If you can't deal with it then you're free to go!" I shouted at him.

He was shocked. He looked at me in the eyes for a few moments without blinking. Then his face change from being shock to hurt . His eyes are very painful to look at. He walked on the side of the bed and picked up his backpack.

"Okay. I'm sorry for bothering you." He said. Walking passed me to the door without looking back at me.

The door closed and the quietness of the room surrounds me. I can't seem to move. I was rooted at the middle of the room.


Hi Everyone,

Thank you for reading! 🙏

I just have so much love for MingKit/KimCop that I have to dispense some of it somewhere! So this is the outcome!

I encouraged you to listen to the song. It's really a good song.

The video is the radio-edit version so there's a slight difference to the lyrics I used.

I hope this is to your liking and you will scroll/swipe to the next chap!

Thanks again for reading! 😊

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