Chapter 2

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I am the wisest man you've ever met.
I am the kindest soul with whom you've connected.
I have the bravest heart that you've ever seen
And you've never met anyone
Who's as positive as I am sometimes.

You see everything, you see every part
You see all my light and you love my dark
You dig everything of which I'm ashamed
There's not anything to which you can't relate
And you're still here


"If you can't deal with it then you're free to go!" Those words shattered my heart into pieces. And it keep playing in my head like a broken record.

I've chosen to walk away because I was so afraid of what I might hear next. Kit breaking up with me. Kit ending us. I don't want that. I can't take that.

It's my first birthday we'll be celebrating together so I planned it extra special. It's my birthday but I want to surprise him. I want to give him a simple reward for all his hard work studying for exams. And my reward will be seeing those dimpled smile on his face. It could have been the best birthday gift I ever got.

'I was not able to receive a gift but I did get the surprise of a lifetime!' I still can't believe it turns out this way. I was so sad when I walk out of his room. My tears are about to fall but I do not want to cry in front of him. I walk away from his room as fast as I could. I let my tears flow freely when I reached my car. My heart hurts so much. I never thought it could feel this so much pain.

I drive away from Kit's dorm without knowing where to go. I drive and drive and drive the streets while my tears fall. I never felt this way before. Maybe because I never felt anything this strong to anyone before.

I love Kit so damn much.

Falling in love with him had shaken up my world. Realizing for the first time that I am attracted to a man rattled me to the core.

I believe he is my Karma. The Gods must have wanted to teach me a lesson for hurting all those girls before by making me fall in love with a man. But I know he is also my good Karma because I never felt this happy before. Just being able to stay by his side and love him completes me. Makes me the happiest man in the world.

But I don't know now if it will still be like that. Tears never stops falling down my face as I continue to drive. It was already late and there's only few cars on the street. The silence in the street makes me feel more miserable.

I thought of going to Yo but I know P'Pha is with him. I do not want to disturb them. I also know P'Forth will be with P'Beam. It will be very busy next week because of the exams. Everyone will take advantage of the weekend to be with each other.

I was a planning the same thing a while ago. I brought some change of clothes and my books. I planned to stay inside Kit's room the whole weekend. He is very focus when studying that he always forget to eat. I want to take care of him on time like this.

It's true that I want to spend more time with him that's why I plan these random dates. I love doing these little things for him. I love spoiling him and making him smile. But above all reason I just want him to rest from studying. He's very hardworking that he made me worry about him all the time. And seeing the tiredness on his face and the eyes bags on his eyes a while ago made me worry about him more.

'I am hoping I will still be able to take care of you, P'Kit.' I take a deep breath and wipe away my tears. 'I still want to love you with all my heart.' I pray to all Gods. 'Please let everything be okay.'

I don't know how long I'm driving but seeing the empty streets made me realize how late it is. I decided to go home.

Maybe I should try calling Kit. Maybe he's just so tired and not thinking straight. I know how he gets when he lacks sleep. And maybe I just over reacted. It's for my birthday that's why.

Does he even know its my birthday next week? 'Okay. Stop there, Mingkwan. Don't go there!' I take a deep breath. I know Kit is not good on this kind of things. I always need to remind him of our dates. And I'm okay with that so no need to wallow further on negative thoughts!

Then I decided. I need to see him again. I'm going back to his dorm. I won't let this day end without fixing this. I know he loves me and he never meant those words. But above all, I know I love him so damn much.


And I love Kimmon so damn much! He awakened the fan girl in me! 😳

Kim is sick and it's really hard seeing him like that!  I saw some pics on the airport and AIS event and he still smile and perform for his fans! I never followed any artist the way I followed him on IG, Twitter and other social media. He just gives off the warmest feeling and it sooths my heart.

And I know I'm not making any sense! 😂

I can write all day of my admiration for Kimmon but let me stop that to thank everyone who continue reading chapter 2.

I was originally planning this to be a one shot as most song fics are but that format will not give me POVs from both side so here we are.

I hope everyone will continue reading Chapter 3.

Thanks again for reading! 🙏

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