Chapter 3

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I blame everyone else, not my own partaking
My passive-aggressiveness can be devastating
I'm terrified and mistrusting
And you've never met anyone as,
As closed down as I am sometimes.

What I resist, persists, and speaks louder than I know
What I resist, you love, no matter how low or high I go


It's been a while since Ming left the room and I'm still not moving from where he left me.

To say, I was shocked was an understatement. 'He just left. He walked out on me.' This is not what normally happen. He never walk out on me. He always fight back while pouting. Or use his puppy eyes until he gets what he wants. He never stop until he get what he wants.

'Ming left me.' I suddenly feel cold as if a bucket of ice had been thrown over my head from the realization, 'I made him leave and he left.'

I tried to move but my feet won't work with me! 'He's leaving me. I have to follow him! I didn't mean those words! I have to say sorry!'

After several times of trying, I finally willed my feet to move and I run out of the room. I went down the stairs running as fast as I could to the parking lot where I know his car is park.

It's empty. 'He's no longer here!'

I tried calling him but his phone in unattended. He must have turned off his phone after leaving my room.

I slowly went back to my room. My head is throbbing but my heart aches more. 'What did I just do? I acted without thinking and I hurt Ming'. I let my emotions get ahead of me again and I hurt Ming.

I sit on my bed. I replayed what happened earlier in my head. He surprised me again with another date he planned for the two us. He loves planning these dates then surprising me. Honestly, I love every single one of those. But of course me being me, I can't admit that to him or I'll die from embarassment.

I saw the voucher on my side desk and I pick it up. Now I understand what's written on it. He reserved a room for us with a private hot spring on the newly opened resort outside of town. It is located on top of a mountain away from the noisy city making it a good place to relax.

He booked it next Saturday - May 17 after the hell week of exams.

'Wait...May 17?'


As it dawned to me what's special about that date and why Ming reacted that way, I wanted to cry.

'It is his birthday.' I finally remembered. And cry I did when I realized it is his birthday but he planned everything for me. It is his birthday but all he have in mind is me. And I've been nothing but an asshole.

I recalled every little thing he had done for me. Endlessly chasing me to win my heart and accepting everything about me regardless if its good or bad. The way he always take care of me reminding me to eat and taking me out so I can have a break from studying. And how he never failed to say that he loves me every single day.

I let the tears fall down my face. I remembered how he look before he left. Hurt is visible in his always smiling eyes.

I picked up my phone and dial his number again. It is still not ringing. I send him a message.

"Ming, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean those words. Please please can we talk? I love you. I really do."

I can't stop the tears from falling. I sobbed hard. I was hit hard by the realization of how much I love him and how big is the chance of losing him now. Mingkwan is the love of my life. I know I never and will never feel this way for anyone. Only him.

'It is not yet too late right?' I will tell him how sorry I am and how I really feel about him. I picked up my car keys and left my room.

I will tell him I love him over and over again until he changed his mind on leaving me.

Because he is all that matters now.


I always love a Kit chasing Ming. 😳

I don't know the exact date of Ming's birthday and I can't remember it being mentioned at the novel so I choose a date close to my heart.

It is when I accidentally discovered 2 moons the series on a post on a friend's FB account. I watched episode 1 and I'm hooked.

By the way, I just want to take a moment to say that I really love this picture of Copter (pic on the start of the chapter). He is so beautiful on this picture.

Next chapter will be the last chapter.

Once again thank you for reading! 🙏

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