SFP Chapter 6: Baek Found Out

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Sehun's P.O.V

Damn, Baek's moans have been kept me awake the entire night. If only he wasn't so vocal.

Ugh, I should get some ear mufflers.

Sigh, time to get out of bed for another day of school, Luhan and Chanbaek.


No One's P.O.V

Sehun falls out of his bed face first in attempt to walk to the toilet.

At the same time, Chanyeol jumped out of the fishbowl with Baekhyun in his arms, bridal style.

The fairy couple saw what happened and Chanyeol accidentally dropped Baekhyun on the ground as both of them started laughing on the ground.

Sehun gets up, sees the two laughing and enters the toilet with a slam of the door.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun stop laughing as soon as Sehun went into the toilet.


Sehun's P.O.V

So here we are, walking down the street to get to school.

With a midget in a wheelchair being pushed by a skyscraper.

A few minutes later, we could see the school.

We reached the gates and got to our lockers before entering class.

Baek somehow ended up on Chanyeol's lap in Chanyeol's seat and they stayed like that throughout the whole school day in every single class.

The teachers gave them shocked looks but didn't question the pair as they knew they were married.

Well, Baekhyun casted a spell on everyone but me so that they'd think that him and Chanyeol have been married for a year as they forged documents claiming that they're 19.


55 seconds...

40 seconds...

34 seconds...

21 seconds...

9 seconds...


And the bell rings,  I grab my bag and grabbed Chanyeol by his left hand and at the same time pushing Baek's wheelchair.

We meet up with Luhan on the way to our lockers.

"Hey Lu!"

Luhan flinched as I put my hand on his left shoulder.

"Oh, h-hey.....Seahoon."

"Oh, come on, I've told you not to call me that so many times already." I pouted as I said that.

"It's cute and suits you so well." He blushed as he said that.

Meanwhile, I hear Baek whispering into Chanyeol's ears.

Something like:"How could we not notice" and "This will be easier than we thought"

Hmm, I wonder what they're planning....


Baekhyun's P.O.V

Hmm, how could I not notice how Luhan is around Sehun. He changes so quickly..

Damn it, they could've ended up up together quicker had I noticed.

Sigh, but we can still make them end up together.



I called Chan to wheel me out of the school.

"Hey Chan, you understood what I told you earlier right?"

"You mean in the locker rooms? Yea, we need to think of better plans."

"How About we lock them in a hotel room together and let them out after a day?"

"That's too cheesy and it's such a classic idea."

"Well do you have any better plans?"


"I thought so, now, let's think of which hotel to lock them in."


Luhan's P.O.V

Oh god, that smirk Baekhyun hyung threw at me earlier is giving me chills.

But why did he smirk at me though?

My face pales as I came to a conclusion.

He knows, doesn't he?

If anyone finds out, I'll be the laughingstock of the school. No one must find out.

He knows that I have a crush on Sehun.

No, that can't be. It's impossible. Then....

He knows I was the one who accidentally set the school kitchen on fire last month..

But how did he find out? I'm pretty sure Suho hyung was the only one who knew and I know he won't betray me...


Ugh, I'm a straight A student yet I don't know how he knows all these secrets....

Hm, maybe I can get it out of Sehun...

"Hey Sese."

"Hm? What's up Lu?"

"Should we go to that one cafe inside Universe Mall that we always go to?"

"Sure, just let me grab some books from my locker."

"I will get the bottom of this no matter what.."

To Be Continued....

Author's Note:

So here's Chapter 6, guys! I'm so sorry for the long delay in updates.

As you might've noticed, this chapter is quite short. I'm sorry about that but I wrote it last week right before I was about to study for my exam.

And I kept studying from last week until now that I've forgotten to update as well...

Well, as I've stated before, the next chapter will be posted in the next week or so...


Published On 17th June, 2018

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