SFP Chapter 7: "Date" Part 1

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Sehun's P.O.V

For some reason, Lu-Hyung suddenly wanted to go to the cafe we always went to at Universe Mall. That's strange, usually, it's me who asks him to go with me.

I wonder what's up with him...

A few minutes of walking later, we reached Lu-Hyung's house.

He opened the door and I went in after him. He made me sit down on a couch while he got ready. He walked down the stairs some time later.

Oh my gosh. He looked even more hot with eyeliner and the tight jeans he wore made his ass more perky...

Ah, fuck. A boner.

"Hey Lu? Do you mind if I use your toilet? I need to do my business."

"Hmm? Yea sure, you can take a dump."


"Sese, what's so funny?"

"N-nothing. Go sit down, I'll be down in some time."


Sehun proceeded to walk to the toilet trying not to laugh when his face was already on the verge of turning blue.

"Date" Part 2 Will Be Posted Tomorrow. Sorry For The Long Wait!


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