Chapter 19

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**3 months later***

I woke up to the sound of my alarm on my iphone going off.

The damn phone didn't work as a cell phone, but it did work as an ipod.

I go to the bathroom automatically and look in the mirror. I've lost weight. A lot of weight. My collection of tattoos has grown into a chest piece of old school traditional roses and an animal skull. And my piercings have also increased. Instead of just my firsts in my ears I have my ears stretched to a two gauge, a triple helix, and a conch piercing. I have my tongue, septum, nipples, belly button, hips, labret, and cheeks pierced.

I got out of the bathroom to see eggs ready to eat with a note.

"Your dad came to check on you, I am out to breakfast with him.

go to school and be ready for him to be here when you are home."


I decided to skip the eggs and just get dressed in a low cut muscle shirt along with a sports bra and short shorts.

I will prove to Austin that I don't need him.

I put on minimal makeup and walked out the door after brushing my teeth. I look out the front door to see Ki waiting in his truck, I close the door behind me as I walk out to see him.

"hey gay!"

"Hey fay!" We have said this every morning since he told me that he was gay.

"Will you come over after school? I have it off and my dad is in town..."

"You sure? You could just pick up another shift."

"Would you stay at the shop with me?" I asked hopfully.

"Yes. And if Cee wont give you a shift I'll come over."

"For a sleep over." I added.


"Yay!" Ki started his vehicle and started his way to school.

Austin POV

I want to see Lilith. I miss her. Alan misses her. We all miss her.

"So how has she been?" I ask.

"Better than when she first got here. I let her have creative freedom, but she follows the rules I set."

"Really?" I was astonished.

"Yes! It was a challenge at first getting her to open up but now she just understands."

[A/N: talking about the continuos sexual assault happening]

"That's great! I only have one question. What do you mean by creative freedom?"

"That is something she has to tell you." My daughter has tattoos. Oh god.

"Does she have any friends?"

"One gay boy named Ki and his older brother Cee."

"Boys, huh?"

"Yeah" he sighed then continued.

"At least one's gay."

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