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This amazing imagines is written by one of fav author in tumblr all credits goes to bby-calum from tumblr :))

My own imagines are coming soon dont worry 😂 hehe

©️ bby-calum { tumblr }

Gripping tightly onto the armrests, your knuckles were turning white as the jet hit some turbulence. You'd always hated flying, something which had made your friends question why you took the job as Zendaya's personal assistant since she flew so much. The comfort of the private jet made you a little bit more at ease, but you still felt your heart rate sky-rocket at every bump and jolt of the plane.

"Hey," Harrison caught your attention from the cushioned bench he was sat on, noticing your deep breathing, a calming technique you'd read up on online. "You alright?" He tilted his head to catch your eye line. You nodded quickly.

"Yeah," you breathed out. "Just hate flying when it gets bumpy." He moved over on the bench, leaving a space for you and motioned for you to sit beside him. You took a deep breath and pushed yourself out of your seat, your legs wobbling as you took a few steps to the bench. Sitting down heavily, you felt more relaxed with Harrison sat next to you. You let out a yawn. Tom returned from the bathroom and sat on the other side of you, and you heard Zendaya stir from her nap on the chair opposite. You shut your eyes, leaning your head on Harrison's shoulder.

"Is she alright?" Zendaya asked. You felt Harrison nod his head. They must have thought you'd fallen asleep, but you heard everything they said about you.

"Look at you," Tom teased. "You're fucking loving her lying on you like that."

Harrison chuckled softly. "Maybe I am," he said. You nuzzled your head into Harrison, cuddling into him further, attempting to make your fake slumber more realistic.

"Haz you are in so deep. Look how smitten you are. He can't wipe that shit eating grin off of his face."

"When are you gonna ask her out?" Zendaya asked. Harrison tensed underneath you.

"No, no, no. No way. Z, she can't know. Please don't tell her," he begged.

"Alright, alright."
"I don't want to ruin anything," he said quietly. "She's my best friend."
"Hey!" Tom said, a little upset.

"One of my best friends," Harrison corrected himself.

Over the course of the year you and Zendaya had known Harrison and Tom, you had all become great friends, but you and Harrison had become especially close. The two of you would hang out when Tom and Zendaya were busy on set, or doing press junkets and promotional pieces.

You'd flirt mercilessly with one another in quiet voices while filming took place and he'd come by your hotel room late at night when he couldn't sleep where you'd spend hours talking about everything and anything with each other. He'd fallen in love with you, but you could never know. Harrison was terrified that you saw him only as a friend, or maybe like a brother, and him telling you his feelings would only push you away.

This wasn't true of course. Your feelings mirrored his own and you too were equally as terrified of destroying your friendship with him. In your past experience, having feelings for your friends never ended well, and you really didn't want to mess up the bond you and Harrison had. You hadn't told anyone of your feelings, not even Zendaya, but you accidentally let a hint of your love slip when you were talking with Tom earlier this morning in the airport.

"You wouldn't ruin anything, Haz. She feels the same," Tom told him. You wanted to wake up from your fake nap, knowing he was going to tell him what you'd said this morning, but the news that Harrison liked you too made you want to eavesdrop a little more.

"Look at her, look at how she acts." Zendaya continued, "She's always cuddling into you, whenever she can. Tom's sat right beside her and she's not that close to him."

Harrison shook his head. "You don't know that's true."

"Mate, she's into you. Trust me." Tom said. "When you were messing around before at the gate when we were waiting to board, we were watching you and Z chase each other. She was laughing and she said it, Haz. She said she loved you." Nobody said anything, so Tom continued. "She didn't mean to, I don't think. It just sorta... came out. I pretended I didn't hear to make her feel better, but, she said it." You wanted to wake up and scream it was true and kiss him. You were in love with Harrison. Instead you stirred slightly.

"I think she's waking up." Zendaya told Tom, "Hey T, I think we should go sit over there." They left just as you opened your eyes. You rubbed the pretend sleep from your eyes, keeping up your act. The plane had since calmed and you weren't as scared anymore.

"You're in love with me?" You sat up as Harrison spoke quietly. "You're in love with me." You nodded. "I'm gonna kiss you now," he said, leaning his head down until his lips met yours.

Harrison Osterfield's ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now