Emergency Cuddle

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A/n: I found this short but cute fluff of Harrison on tumblr // all credits to : lamptracker; tumblr

"Hey, babe, what're you doing in there?" Harrison calls to you from the living room.
You giggle as you stir the homemade spaghetti sauce you're working on cooking. "I'm making-"
You're interrupted by a pair of strong arms wrapping themselves around your waist from behind. "Nope," Harrison says, burying his face in your neck. "You're turning that off and you're going to come snuggle with me."
"But, Haz, dinner-"
"Dinner can wait." He presses a soft kiss to the side of your neck. "I can't. This is a Cuddle Emergency, now get in here."
You laugh as you turn off the flame under the sauce and set your wooden spoon in the spoon rest. Harrison lifts you up and carries you into the bedroom; you kick your feet and squeal the entire way.
"I can walk, you know!" You protest as Harrison sets you onto the bed.
"I know. This is more fun, though." Harrison dramatically falls onto the bed; he pulls you into his chest as his arms fly around you.
You sigh as you bury your face into his shoulder. "Not that I'm complaining," you mumble into his t-shirt, "but what brought this on?"
"I dunno." Harrison kisses your forehead. "I just need this sometimes."
"Me too." You sigh contentedly as he pulls you closer to him.
"I miss this when I'm not home," Harrison says, almost sadly. "So I feel like I need to build up a bank of them when I am here."
"I get it, baby." You try to lift your head to kiss his cheek, but he's got such a firm grip on you that you settle for kissing his chest. "Gotta hug you while I have you."
Harrison sighs. "Do you ever think you could do better?"
"Better than you? Impossible." You smile.
"I mean it, though. You could have any guy you wanted. Why'd you want the one that has to leave for work all the time?"
"Because." You wriggle free from his grasp, propping yourself up on an elbow as you use your free hand to tip his chin up. "He's sweet, and he's funny, and he thinks the absolute world of me. I think the world of him too, just so you know. I think he's going to be huge someday. And I will be by his side for every minute of it." You giggle. "Plus, we have FaceTime and text. It's not like we can't keep in touch."
"That's true. I just... I get so down on myself sometimes. But you always know how to pick me back up." He sits up slightly, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. "I love you so much."
"I love you too, Harrison."
"Now i believe you mentioned something about dinner?"
"Dinner can wait. I want to cuddle some more." You lie back down, resting your head on Harrison's shoulder; he laughs as he folds you into his arms again.
"I could stay like this forever," he murmurs into your hair.
"Yeah." You sigh happily. "That'd be great."

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