Chapter 24

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Allison had sort of been banned from the charity center after her stunt with Tabitha, but she still hung around. If a kid was dropped off while their mentor wasn't around, or someone had to take a day off, she was there to fill in the gaps. Sometimes, she simple hung around her new friend Luke, who turned out to be a pretty interesting guy.

On the day Tabitha was dropped off, Allison was was with Luke, playing connect four while they waited for Lukes charge to arrive.

"So basically, I'm turning everything upside down to earn money for Tabitha, but if I can't get my act together, it won't be enough. I've already practiced three hours today, and I have another session in an hour, but I just don't know if it will be enough."

Luke nodded, seeming thoughtful. "I might have an idea."

"What? A basket full of free money that will let me get Tabitha healthy?"

"I just think you could pick up some extra cash with an online donation  platform."

"What do you mean?"

"Well if you let me record a few of you dances and maybe a couple practices, you could get some internet people to donate. And if you promoted the site every time you won,  some people in the audience may give you something out of guilt."

"Do you think you could get it set up?"

"Absolutely...I'll just have to---"


Allison tie ed, thinking and hoping she recognized that voice. Behind her, in a child sized wheelchair,  Tabitha rolled into view.

"Tabitha!" Allison reached down to give the girl a high five. "I thought they had you locked up?"

"I escaped! Nobody can capture me for long!"

While the toddler was distracted, Allison sent a meaningful glance at Tabithas mother.

"The money is helping. She's getting back on her feet."

"Can I hold her? "

"Of course. She owes you her life."

Allison picked up the toddler and held her close. She didn't know what was stopping her from standing in her prosthetic like normal, but she didn't bother asking.

"I hear your a ballerina now!" Tabitha exclaimed.

Allison nodded. "I guess I am."

"You have to tell me everything! You have to, you have to!"

Allison glanced at the girls mother, who nodded.

"Maybe over some ice cream?"

When Tabitha nodded, Allison wasn't sure she had ever been happier.

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