1."I never said they were good things."

308 19 5

Song: Sister Christian by Night Ranger

By the way, I did change a bit of the storyline, and I changed some names. Enjoy!

Word Count: 1119 words

I wipe the sweat off of my forehead as I bring in my last bag

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I wipe the sweat off of my forehead as I bring in my last bag. We just moved to Cali from Colorado because my dad got a new job offer at a hospital. I don't know all the details, I don't really care.

As soon as I walked into the new house, I heard my dad start yelling. "Hurry up and drop that bag in your room, I have to take you to cheer tryouts!"

Yeah, we kind of got here last minute. Well I did. My dad got here as soon as he got the offer, but I stayed in Colorado for the rest of the summer to hangout with friends.

The drive to the school was very uneventful, just my dad lecturing me on my workout outfit which consisted of a black crop top with some spandex. Then went on a whole rant about cheer uniforms.

I practically jumped out of the car when we got there.

When I got to the gym, I could see all the girls trying out. I was pretty much scanning them up and down, trying to figure out who is my competition.

I'm not trying to get captain or anything, but I have to at least be on the team. My old school was super competitive at cheer.

A loud whistle interrupted the rest of my thoughts.

"Okay ladies, line up." The coach yelled.

She explained how the tryouts were going to go, we did a 20 minute warm up, now it's time for the competitive side in me to come out.

There's a huge mat covering the gym floors, and we're line up next to it.

The whistle blows and a yell follows. "Cartwheel, go!"

Easy. Could do this is my sleep. Sadly, I did see some people struggle.

Whistle, yell. "Handstand and hold, go!"

I kick my legs up and hold them up. I heard people around me falling onto the mat. I can feel myself breaking a sweat for the second time today.

"Ok, down."

I felt all the blood in my head go back down. I look over and see two other girls that weren't on the ground. I smiled to one, she smiled back. I turn to smile at the other one and all I get is a glare that could kill.

I quickly turn back to the coach, she's giving the three of us a weird look that I can't figure out.

The points to us. "You three, line up right here."

She spreads us out from each other.

"Okay. I want to see a front walkover."

I immediately did so, along with the other two.

"Back walkover."

Nailed it.


I took a breath and I went for it. I saw the one girl on my right fall a little on her landing.

"Backflip?" Coach said, it really came out as a question.

I took another deep breath, landed it. So did the other girl.

When we looked at the coach, she had a tiny smirk on her face.

"Back handspring, with a back tuck."

I think, breath, and go for it. Stuck the landing.

I heard a slam on the mat next to me and saw the girl turning red in the face.

I lean over to try and help her up, but all I get is a fake nail in my eye.

"Okay ladies, get some water. Be back in 15 minutes." The coach says before walking back to her office.

I walk over to my bag and got approached by the only girl that's smiled at me today.

"Hey, are you new?" She asked.

"Uh yeah, my name's Haley."

"I'm Mel. By the way, you're really good at cheer."

"Thanks. At my old school it was super competitive."

"Yeah, I think you gave Arden a run for captain."

"Who's Arden?"

"Oh, she's the one that was left with you." She points to a girl that's taking selfies with two other girls. Oh my.


The rest of the time we had left, Mel spent it telling me about the school.

Most of the guys on the football and basketball team were fuckboys, the main hoes at the school is that Arden chick and her little minions. She warned me specifically about the captain of the football team. Apparently he's a major man whore. Good to know.

She then continued to tell me about some guy she used to date named Jarod. Apparently it didn't end very well.

A whistle interrupted Mel's breakup story, which i'm kind of happy about, no offense to her. I was just getting bored.

Everyone goes up to the coach.

"Okay. If I call your name, you can leave."

I closed my eyes.

Name by name, girls left the gym and I could hear the door slamming behind them. Some got mad, some even cried.

Coach eventually stopped saying names and I opened my eyes to look around. There were about 9 other girls standing with me, including Mel. I smiled when I saw the familiar face.

Coach started talking again. "Now, I will announce the captain, and the co-captain."

For those of you wondering, the co-captain is pretty much the sub for the captain if they're gone or injured.

"The co-captain of the cheer squad is... Arden Dorsey."

"What!" I heard a loud screech come from behind me.

"The captain is... none other than Haley Reeves." Coach turns and smiles at me. "Welcome to Cali, and the cheer squad."

Even during the giant bear hug I was getting from Mel, I could still feel Arden's killer glare digging into my back.

After Mel's hug, I said goodbye to her and grabbed my bag. I looked at my half-empty water bottle and decided to fill it up before I walked home. When I walked out of the gym I saw a water fountain down the hallway to my right.

I heard footsteps approaching me when I reached the water fountain. I didn't bother to look up.

"Hey." It was a very deep voice.

"Hey." I respond, still looking at my water bottle.

"I'm Shane."

"Ah, so you're the famous Shane I heard about." I smirk to myself.

"So you're heard about me?" I could practically hear his smirk appearing.

I pulled my water bottle up and put the cap on it, then met his green eyes.

I started to walk down to the exit, I can feel his eyes on me, and I yell back to him.

"I never said they were good things."

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