2. "I've heard a lot about you."

224 12 7

Song: Circles by EDEN

Ran another mile today in gym, please help. SO sorry that it took so long for me to get this update out.

Word Count: 1051 words

Word Count: 1051 words

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I slam my hand onto the piercing sound and roll out of my bed. Literally, causing me to fall on my ass.

"Great." I mutter as I pull myself off of the ground. I walk over to my closet and pull out a cropped, gray tank top and some black jeans. I pull on my white converse and walk into the bathroom. I let my natural curls hang down to the middle of my back. I don't put makeup on because, what's the point? I'm also too lazy.

I hop down the stairs and towards my pop-tarts. Cookies and Cream pop-tarts are amazing.

Where's my dad, you may be asking. Work. Always at work.

I sigh as I walk out of my home, about to walk to school, but a blue Jeep stops me in my tracks. A huge smile erupts onto my face. I squeal a bit before running towards it. I see a pink sticky note stuck to the windshield.

Thought you might like this back. Have fun at school!
~ B ~

I smile at the note.

I look back to my beautiful car that I missed so much, and I jumped in. The engine roared when I turned the key, and I smirked in satisfaction. I plugged my phone into the aux cord and drove to school. Hopefully the first day goes well.

I pull into a back parking spot, and I start the long walk from my parking spot to the front doors. I look around during my long journey to the doors, and I spot out all of the different social groups. I suddenly feel like we're in Mean Girls or something.

When I walked through the front doors, a gust of air hit me smack in the face. I walked forwards toward the office to get my schedule. Please, let Mel be in my classes.

I walked into the front office, and the secretary's eyes scanned me before saying anything. "Schedule?" She says.

"Uh yea-"

She was already out of her chair and was rummaging through papers. She walked towards me with a slip of paper and shoves it towards me.

I hesitate before taking it and the secretary rolls her eyes as I turn around.

"Wow, this school's great." I mutter as I walk out.

I look down at my schedule.

English III
American History
Team Sports
Seminar (study hall)
Algebra II
Team Sports

I smirk to myself. I have two hours of gym. I love gym with a passion.

A second after looking up from my schedule, I ran into a hard body. I felt myself falling backwards and prepared myself for my ass to meet the cold tile, but it never did. The person I had run into wrapped their arms around my waist and pulled me towards them. I pushed my hair out of my face so I could see them.

My blue eyes met with green ones.

"Hi there." He smirked before pulling me back up.

"Hey." I fix my hair before looking back at the blonde boy.

"Are you new?" He asked.

I chuckle before answering. "Is it obvious?"

"Well I think I would've noticed you walking around. I moved here last year. It's a pretty cool place."

I hear squealing and I turn to my right. Next thing you know, i'm being jumped on by Mel.

"Mel. I saw you yesterday."

"I know." She pulled away and took my schedule with her. I kept sneaking glances at the blonde boy, and he just kept his gaze on me.

Mel hands me my schedule back with a frown. "We only have 4th hour team sports together."

I groan and I heard a deep chuckle come from the blonde boy. I slowly move my head to look at him with a glare. All while Mel is looking between us with her brow raised.

"And who are you?" She asks. I send my fist into her arm. "Ow!"

"I'm Collin." He looks at me. "And you?"


Saved by the bell.

"I guess you'll never know." I smirked and pulled Mel away from Collin and towards the hallway. I could feel her glare burning into the side of my face. "Stop."

"He was cute."

"Shut up."

I walked into English, abandoning Mel in the hallway. I choose a seat in the back, like always, and I watch everyone that walks in. I don't know anyone except Mel, Collin, and unfortunately Shane, so I don't know why I was looking like I had friends.

I sighed and looked down at my phone. I smiled at my background. It's a picture of me and my old best friend, B, laughing at something stupid that I probably did. God, I miss h-

"Well, well, well."

I look up and my eyes met with another pair of green ones. I rolled my eyes.

"What? Couldn't get enough of me yesterday?"

"Oh please Shane, don't get too cocky. I forgot you even existed." I lean back in my seat as he sits down next to me. He leans over in his seat, very close to my face, I could feel his breath on my cheek.

He leans into my ear. "I think we both know that's not true."

I rolled my eyes once again and grabbed my pencil. I shoved my eraser against his forehead and pushed him away from me. I glared at him when he leaned back in his chair with a smirk.

I heard a throat clear, and I look up to see another blonde with green eyes. What is up with this school and the green eyes?

"Hey, Jarod." Shane says.

I smirk at Jarod. So this is Mel's ex?

"Why are you smirking at me?" He asked with humor in his voice.

I leaned forward. "So you're Jarod." He nods. "I've heard a lot about you."

He smirks. "I can say the same about you, Hayley." He says before taking a seat behind Shane. Shane turned around and glared daggers at Jarod, but he was too busy laughing at himself to even notice.

Oh boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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