Connor x Reader

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Tittle:Anything you can do, I can do better!
Author's note: It's currently 2:07  am. And I can't sleep. So I shall write this short little story, so I can tucker myself out.

Gender:A fire truck

Connor's P.O.V
"ANYTHING YOU CAN DO, I CAN DO BETTER" The love of my life shouted in my ear. I looked at them. Confusion written all over my face. Till, I caught on.

"HA!" I shouted back at them.
"No you can't! "

"Yes I can!" They retorted.

"No you can't!"

"Yes I can!"

"Shut the fuck up! Neither of you are better than me!" Hank ruined our moment.

"My dude, where did you come from?" Y/N asked the question I was about to.

"This is my house! How did you two get here?!" Hank asked.

"The meaning of life is 42." I randomly blurted out.

The both looked at me weirdly.

"Go back to your singing, we'll figure this out later!" Hank said, drinking a beer.
I cleared my throat and looked at Y/N.

"No you can't!"

"Yes I can!"

" The probability of you being better and even smarter than me is 1% out of 1.000.0000.0000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000%"

"Connor, you fucking smartass-"

"Love you too Y/N"

"I still want to know how and why your at my house." Hank groggily said.

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