RK900(Colton) x Reader x Connor

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Tittle: Ladies Ladies, Your both pretty.

Author's note: A request for EonOverlord. I had like nothing playing in my head when I wrote this. And I'm sorry it's not the genre you want. I'm just not good at those.

Y/N's P.O.V
What a normal day, the sun is shining. The birds are singing, flowers are blooming. The sky crystal clear, and the sound of glass breaking filled my ears.


Glass breaking? Hold on a minute. They're at it again. The breaking of glass ceased but the yelling and shouting increased.

"She/he's mine! Can't your old processor comprehend that?!" The voice of Colton aka RK900 shouted out.

"Oh I'm sorry your so crabby! But she/he is mine! I was here before you!" The RK800 also known as Connor yelled out loud and clear.

"Are you sure about that?! I mean-"

I busted out of my room. Yep, my room all the way on the second floor. I slid down the railing and rushed into the living room.

"Ladies, Ladies your both pretty! Now shut up! Why are you yelling and screaming?!"

"Tin can here thinks your his. When obviously your mine." Colton pointed to himself with so much pride.

"Tin can?! And how is that obvious?! She/he's mine!" Connor shouted back, making the whole argument start up again.

"Neckbrace! Blood licker!"

Their heads snapped at me so fast, it was a good thing Colton had a neckbrace. But Connor, not so much.

"I want you too to SHUT UP! I'll even SHUT you DOWN if I HAVE TOO! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

Both androids paled and nodded.

"Good!" I just left the living room to go back to my room, only to hear something falling and probably breaking as well. I've never ran so fast before, but when I did run back to the living room.

I shut them both off. Their bodies falling to the floor with a thud. Finally, peace at last. And now since I'm down here, I'll just laze around on the couch like so.

I flopped on the couch, only to hear my phone buzz in my back pocket. I pulled out my cellar device, and saw a dang group chat. With Connor and Colton fighting back and forth.

Connor: No! Get it through your thick processor!

Colton: What is there to get?! Like I said-

You: How on Earth are you here but shut off?

Connor:We protecc

Colton: We snacc

Both: We hacc

You: Screw this!

I shut my phone off and turned on the T.V. I'll sort this out later.

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