(1) kitchen pleasure - updated

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It was the afternoon and you were only wearing one of Harry's shirts, his KISS top and a pair of your favorite lace underwear.

You were at the sink, washing the dishes but hadn't realized that Harry was standing behind you on the other side of the counter.

His eyes roamed down your body; checking out your figure and the legs that were wrapped around his torso not to long ago.

His below region grew, the lust forming on his body. He loved how you said his name, how responsive you were to him when he pleasured you and the way you moaned like crazy when he would thrust inside you.

Harry's hand moved slowly down to his boxers he quietly hissed as his hand then slid in his boxers where he gripped his c*ck and began to slowly pump, imagining it was your hand instead of his.

His figure leaned against the frame of the door and he closed his eyes, remembering the dirty little things you would say to get him off.

Whilst he was doing that you felt his presence from behind and turned to see him. Your eyes widened and a smirk appeared on your face.

You continued to watch him, being aroused by your man. The way his head back, mouth agape and eyes shut tightly.


he slightly moaned before checking on you to see if you heard but he was greeted with your eyes. He came to a stop, leaving his hand in his boxers before staring off awkwardly at you. He had just been caught jerking off


"Well continue,"

you encourage him turning your body around watching him. His eyes meet yours and he could see lust and the devil inside them. Giving him a cheeky wink, you grinned at him before nodding for him to continue the process, he shook his head, walking over to you, retrieving his hand from his boxers.

"Finish me off babe,"

he whispered leaning in and grasping your hips. He made sure you could feel
His erect c*ck and the feeling against your lower region made you squirm and moan quietly to yourself. His lips attached themselves to your neck sucking ever so slowly and gently. You loved it slow with him and he knew it, because you could feel every touch he gave. His hands removed themselves from your waist, grasping yours and bringing them in between you.

His groin slightly moved from your lower region and he brought your hands towards the waistband of the boxers, "c'mon love," he whispered huskily into your ear lobe. He pulled back slightly, once your hands touched his V-line. He moved his boxers slightly down, with your help they were off and on the tiled floor.

Harry took your more dominant hand and watched you intently.

"Touch me,"

he pleaded and you obliged gently grabbing a hold on his cock. Your fingers wrapped around him, slowly going up and down and tightening when you wanted, "Ugh shit," he cursed throwing his head back a little.

You kind of enjoyed watching your man come undone at your very touch.

The way he swore when you accidentally tightened your grip around him, when you tease his tip with your index finger and how you got him off doing the one thing he loved.

"Oh baby...,"

he muttered as he leaned his head in the crook of your neck. You kissed his shoulder blade and his neck as your hand continued faster and faster, Harry's body was slightly shaking a little, his other hand gripping the counter top behind you,

"P-please baby,"

he moaned loudly as he pulled back a little, your free hand came up and wrapped your hand around his neck pulling him in for a kiss.
His mouthed moved against yours as your hand pumped faster then ever.

"Shit," he groaned loudly, breaking the kiss, "sh-shit, d-dont stop. Ugh," he moaned watching your hand moving up and down on his c*ck, tightening your grip he twitched befor cumming.

"Ugh, fuck." Shaking slightly. You moved your hand from his c*ck and kissed him tenderly on the lips. His hands gripping your hips tightly,

"thank you,"

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