✔ Chapter 6

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Today is a whole lot different.

Everybody, and when is say everybody is staring at me for only one sole purpose : I sat with the Bad Boys for lunch.

Girls are glaring at me while boys are shamelessly checking me out. Out of all the days I just had to wear shorts today, didn't I? I walked straight into that one.

I mentally facepalm and walk confidently making sure that I don't trip. I had a fine encounter with my headcheerleader ( Rose) this morning. She dragged me into her room and slapped me calling me a B to the I to the TCH and claimed that I stole her ex-boyfriend from her.

Honestly I don't know how she get such good marks in math when she clearly doesn't know the meaning of ex.

See what I did there. God knows what happens in my brain. Coming back to Rose she still thinks that she has some crazy control over his life and wants no girl to come within ten miles of radius near him.

I open my locker and start shoving the books down my back in a very horrendous manner. When shut the locker I find Xavier leaning against a locker next to mine with a lazy grin on his face which accentuates his dimples.

"How are you, love?" He asks still smiling at me.

"Good, what about you Xavier?" I ask


"How did you sleep?" we both ask at the same time and I burst into laughter.

"While your concern for my beauty sleep overwhelms me I would like to have you know that I slept very nicely due to the ice cream." he says in a very royal-like manner, he continues, "Now how did you sleep?"

"I have insomnia," I blurt out. Why didn't I lie? Why did I have to tell the truth. Oh God! Nobody knows about this except of him.

"Oh! I didn't know," he says with a sympathetic smile plastered on his face.

"It's okay, nobody does."

Shit! Why did I say that? Honestly if I die right now then I want you to know that I want my skittles which - are hidden in my secret drawer for which you need a code to open is 2305 - to be buried with me and also I want BTS and Shawn Mendes along with Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran to be played on my funeral.

The bell rings snapping me out of my thoughts and I turn around to say something to Xavier when I realize that we have stopped walking.

I go to say something to him but instead I stare in his eyes. His eyes hold confusion. He is confused to what I just said. His blue eyes hold my maroon ones that are held captive by brown lenses. When I stare at him I feel like I know him since ages.

His demons don't hide in his eyes like mine. He doesn't care whether people see his demons or don't. He is brave. He is courageous.

We all have our demons Xavier, you're just brave enough to show them.

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