Katrina Grey has always steered clear out of drama's way seeing to the fact that she has a secret, and with the constant changes in society, that secret might emotionally and physically destroy her or save the lives of those who she loves.
But one...
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The only thought that is going through my mind right now. I need to escape or I die. Like literally, I would die if I stopped running.
But just know that if I do, then my last wish is that someone scoop Xavier's eyeballs out and please shove them down his esophagus.
Now, now, don't go on and start hating on me because I said that Xavier is a useless person. Even though he totally is.
If you're not understanding what is happening then I would prefer you to go to that damn son of a....unicorn, yes unicorn, and ask why the hell did he do such an abhorrent thing?
Still not understanding?
Well, it started four hours ago, when I was woken up the sun being it's usual self and irritating the effing crap out of me and a horrible singer was singing in the bathroom.
Don't judge, I am always grumpy when I wake from a deep slumber.
I woke up having no memory of the previous night but when I saw Aiden walk out of the bathroom door all the evocation came running back to me.
Aiden just smiled at me, creepily might I add and shouted for Xavier saying that I was awake. Xavier came in and handed me my clothes telling me that I needed to get changed fast as we were going somewhere.
He didn't leave any room for questions, so I did what I was told to. When I went down in search of Xavier I found the whole gang sitting there with creepy, goofy grins on their faces that made me squirm.
They dragged me and pushed me into one of Xavier's car and we rode in silence. No one spoke anything and the boys didn't allow me to ask any questions.
It was obvious that it was a holiday today owing to the fact that the roads were wrecked.
After a long hour of ride - I think - the boys blindfolded me, to be specific Jordan blindfolded me and Ashton helped me out of the car.
Nathan was extra grumpy today because he didn't get enough sleep last night because he was at a party and met a girl.....you know how the rest of it goes, don't you?
Anyways, getting back to the story of how I could potentially die, the blindfold was removed and I saw Aiden breaking the lock that secured the gates of Disneyland.
That was the moment ladies and gentlemen, when that stupid bucket list of mine came rushing into my head and my face lost all of its colour. The boys followed behind Aiden like it was nothing new to them while I just stood there with my jaw dropped on the floor.