ChapterEight: Stranger Danger

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Maeve couldn't believe what is standing in front of her. This beast saved her life by killing the rogues. But on the other hand, this beast is the reason why she was chased by rogues. The great King Dominic Deàsun is standing few meters away from her. That wolf who killed the rogues who tried to kill her is standing right in front of her. Only now he isn't a wolf anymore. He is standing right in front of her in his birth suit.

Either one of them didn't do anything. They just stared at each other.

Maeve's eyes were full of tears and fear. Dominic's eyes, on the other hand, were filled with disgust and anger.

"W-why?" She asked quietly, but she knew that he could hear her. As a werewolf, he has a way better hearing ability than she has. Her Mother even said that she is sometimes deaf because she can't hear things right or at all. But she isn't deaf at least not yet.

"What do you mean human?"

"S-send me to d-death and s-save me when it w-was coming to m-me."

"You will die. Maybe not today but someday even more cruelly than you would have today." Dominic grabbed her small hand in his large one and started to drag her away from the forest. After a few minutes of walking or at Maeve's point of view dragging. She whispered words that made the King stop at his tracks.

"What did you say!"

"K-kill m-me." She mumbled. But the King never answered, he just kept walking and dragging her away. Why should Maeve accept the fact that she is going to die in his hands tomorrow or in the next month? If she dies now in his hands there will be no more wondering what will be her last day in that cell. Maeve dug her heels in the ground and refused to be dragged even a one-step anymore. 

"Stop fighting!" Dominic roared with no doubt that the large audience on the other side of the woods didn't hear him.

She just shook her head, tore her hand of off his and started to run away from him as fast as her legs carried her.


Dominic was too fücking tired to chase after the human. First, his wolf had to piss him off by taking a full control of him because he didn't want to see their mate dying. And now that girl who was nothing more than a blood sack full of problems. If his wolf hadn't gone crazy she would be long gone and he would be out of problems.

He knew that if he would arrange another Chase his wolf would kill the rogues too if that meant that human is safe. His wolf was also too strong to be held down by silver chains. He has broken free out of those chains many times before and now the first time ever he had lost control to his wolf side.

After reaching the castle he ordered few guards to catch that running girl with strawberry blonde hair. Maybe if he is lucky she will die during that. 

Humans don't deserve to live. 

They're only a waste of air and food. Fortunately, there are no more than a few thousand humans left in the earth. Dominic and his Father have succeeded in killing most of them. But somehow a human girl called Maeve is like a cockroach. 

"She is your mate."

"Don't put your nose in my businesses, Cato."

"You should be happy that you have found you mate. Even if she is a human."

"She is weak."

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