Chapter 10| What are exes for

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I’m an idiot!

I'm driving home practically floating on cloud nine when I realize the gigantic mistake I've made by agreeing to attend Adam's mom wedding.

That's when the questions kick in.

 Am I going as his date or just a regular guest there to support him? Does attending make us official? Are we already official and I’m unaware. Will he introduce me to his family and knowing Adam he probably will and what will they think of me? His mother already showed a disinterest towards me. I can’t imagine what the rest of his family will think.

My life has been tumbling in this dizzying course for a long time now where I'm paying for youthful mistakes while dealing with the cruel ways of life. How can I let it get this far? I like Adam and he likes me but we're both scared even if he doesn't want to admit it. Two scared people can't jump in to something that's inevitably going to turn into a nightmare. One of us isn't going to wake up this.

I had to re-evaluate this whole thing over again and by re-evaluate I mean over thinking everything until it felt like my brain was oozing out of my ears.

That night, I didn't sleep. I tossed and turned unable to find a comfortable position to sooth me. When I finally begin to drift a bit, a sliver ray of sunlight found its way to my face. I didn't want to dawdle by staying in bed trying to catch a few more minutes of Z’s so I got out of bed.

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror I gasp at the sight of me. I look like a corpse. My skin is pale and my eyes are red not to mention saggy. As Nina walks by she notices and had the audacity to tell me that I looked like a junkie. What a bitch. If only she knew that drugs had nothing on love.

Despite my current state the morning had to go on. I had my father to face, school to attend, tests to fail. I showered and got dressed in the easiest thing I could find, a chiffon midi dress that tied at the waist and nude flats. I didn't even dry my hair, I left it wet putting it up in a bun.

I traipses downstairs heading to the kitchen where Nina is fixing breakfast for King Miller and his little Princess, Jessica.

"Do you fancy anything, Stassi?" She asks.

Fancy? What the hell, does she think she's British now?

"No," I reply. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and fix myself a small bowl of fresh fruit and stand by the kitchen counter to eat it. Nina looks at me disapprovingly but says nothing.

"Nastassia," a voice booms from behind me. It's my father. I react like a dog trapped in a thunderstorm, a jolt of fear coursing through me. How can this man have so much power over me?

I turn around unsteadily to face him.

"Good morning, dad." I say with a shaky voice.

"Morning," he rubs my shoulder then he proceeds over to Nina and do the same thing. "Spanish omelet," He says with a smile so big it could light up the room, well almost.

Something is wrong here. I haven't seen my father in mood like this during this time of day in a long time. Either he got some last night or he's medicated, perhaps it's both. Whatever it is, it's strange.

"How's school?" He asks popping a grape in his mouth.

"It's going good." I lie.

"Good to hear." He says. He fishes his phone out of his pocket and whatever he's looking at its making him smile like a moron. When he finally looks up at me he says, "I don't know if you have plans tonight but I need you home. Lucinda is coming over for dinner."

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