Chapter 9| Who are you really?

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"You did what?" Callie yells then covers her mouth when she realizes how loud she is. She's reacting to the news that Adam and I slept together. Her reaction is exactly what I thought it'd be; face awash with shock with bugged out eyes.

"We had sex." I reiterate for her again. I feel a lump rise in my throat. I'm still getting used to the fact of it all, the actual fact that Adam and I copulated last night. It wasn't something either one of us planned, it just happened. We were alone. In the moment and it felt right so we did it.

"Oh. My. God." Callie says each word in staccato. She closes her mouth then opens it again only to close it again. She's speechless, this is the first time I've seen Callie rendered speechless. I should be enjoying this moment, relishing in the fact that Callie the super queen of gab can't find anything to say but I need her to say something. I need her to tell me if I made a mistake or made the right choice.

"Callie," I sigh placing my hand on her shoulders as she slumps back on the headboard of my bed. "Please say something."

"I don't know what to say." She says. "This is huge."

"It's not that big of a deal." I say trying to undermine the whole situation.

"It is a big deal." She half yells then catches herself. "It's a big deal, Nastassia. Up until today I didn't even think you liked him."

I bit my lip guiltily. It just occurs to me that I never told her about my new found feelings for Adam. She was the one who introduced him to Samantha and if wasn't for her, they wouldn't have ever gotten together, I guess that's why I held my tongue, I was still a little mad.

"I started developing feelings for Adam the first week of school and I guess I should have told you."

"You should have." Her feelings are a little hurt. "I freaking introduced him to Samantha, if I had known you liked him I would never have done that."

"I know," I say lowering my head." I feel like shitty now. Callie's my best friend; I know she means well, she always does even if I'm a jerk to her most of the time.

"So," Callie leans in closer with a huge grin on her face. "How was it?"

My cheeks burn at the sound of her question and suddenly images of Adam kissing me and touching me pop into my head and I'm taken back to last night summoning the moment when he took me into his strong hands and held me gently like I was a brittle little flower. He made me feel comfortable and safe. It was the closest thing to perfection I've ever experienced and I'm not just saying that because it was sex.

"Look at how flustered you are," Callie laughs. "Was it that good?"

At this point my face feels like it's been set on fire, I can't hide it.

"It was," I admit.

Callie giggles like a little girl and the next thing I know her arms are pulling me in for a hug. I didn't think this was a warm hug worthy occasion but I hug her back.

"I'm so happy for you." She squeals hugging me tighter.

"Callie," I choke moving her hair away from my face. "I don't know what this means for us now."

She pulls away immediately; worry lines fill her entire face. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I don't know what's going to happen next." I tell her. "I don't know if we're even supposed to happen."

She shakes her head vigorously in disagreement.

"No, no." she says her lips quivering. "You shouldn't be saying all that stuff. You like Adam; obviously you slept with him so this means something."

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