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Me, Jesy and Leigh got to the hospital in record time, Jesy sat in the back with me, holding my sobbing my body.
"Family and Friends of Perrie Edwards?" The doctor said and walked out. I stood straight up. "We need to perform emergency surgery on her." He said. "The cancer seems to be affecting her nerve and body control. The only way we can stop it now is by surgery."

"But my lab actually wants to talk to you, so if you come this way." He nodded and we walked down the hall, he walked into a small room. "Hi there girls." One man smiled he looked very wise and friendly. We smiled, shook his hand and then sat down. "Now, me and my workers have been working on medication to treat patients with Glioblastoma. We have been working on this research for about 4 years. And we think we may have found something. We have tested it on cancer cells in our lab and it killed them, all. But now we need a human to test on, Perrie is the only person in our care at the minute who is suffering from Glioblastoma and maybe, we could use her?" The doctor said. "Are you saying you have found the cure to this cancer?" I asked shocked. "I am saying we might have." He smiled. "So you want to use Perrie as an experiment?" Jesy asked harshly. "Well yes, but it will all be for good causes." He smiled. "What if it doesn't work, what if it kills her quicker?" She asked standing up. "I can assure you Miss Nelson, it will not." He said. "How do you know?" She screamed. "Whoaaa Jess, calm your tits they are trying to help Pez." I smiled. "Oh all right then. Whatever." She said and walked out.

"We would love for you to try the treatment." I said to the doctor and followed Jesy.

"What the fuck Jess?" I asked and grabbed her arm. "She isn't a fucking experiment Jade! She is a HUMAN! A fucking HUMAN BEING! She would want to spend her last days happy not being worked on by stupid doctors." She sighed. "Jesy! You're missing the fucking point! She might actually survive this!!" I screamed. "Have you seen her, she had a fucking seizure for 20 minutes straight! No way is she going to survive, get it in your head that she will DIE! Don't give yourself false hope Jade." She walked away from me, just like that!

Me and Leigh were sat out in the waiting room whilst Perrie was still in surgery. Jesy has left, I don't think she would be coming back today. I had my head resting I got on Leigh's shoulder. "She's a fighter Jade, if this pill works, she will definitely survive it. I promise." She kissed my head and I nodded.

Sorry it's super short guys, but I just needed a happy turn around in the story. And sorry it took me so long to post this, I kept forgetting about it lol

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