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We had to go back to the doctors today about Perrie's medication. We talked and I agreed she can come off them, it was hard but they aren't doing her any good. I had a lot of false hope. Right now we were sat on the island of our kitchen eating breakfast. "Babe." I said, she was staring at the counter not moving a muscle. I got no response. "Perrie. What's wrong?" I said and rested my hand on her back, she flinched and sat up. She looked up at me, tears were streaming down her face. "What's the matter?" I asked her. "I-I-I- what?" She asked nervously. "What's wrong baby?" I asked her sternly. "I-I can't remember." She whispered. "You cant remember what?" I asked her suspiciously. "What?" She said. I sighed and shook my head. "It's okay, come here." I opened my arms and she shuffled slightly. She rested her head in my neck and wrapped one arm around my waist whilst one hand played with my fingers.

A few hours later
We were walking out of the hospital, we had finally gotten Pez unprescribed from the pills, she had been given new ones though to help with her migraines and seizures. Leigh ad Jesy were waiting in the car, I talked to Pez earlier about telling the fans today and she agreed. I just hope all goes well.

We posted a tweet, on our Instagram story, on our account and our separate accounts that we were going live in 10 minutes with some big but sad news. Everyone is saying we are going on a break and technically we are but not out of choice. "Hey Baby." I smiled at Pez, she walked into the living room and came to sit next to me. She cuddled up to me. "You okay?" I asked her. "Nervous, really fucking nervous." She laughed gently. "About what?" Leigh asked and joined us. "Just, what if they dint believe it?" She questioned and tensed up. "Then they a pretty sick to think we could even lie about a brain tumour." I sighed. She sighed and nodded. "Ready?" Jesy asked and put her phone on the table in front of us. We nodded.

"Hey mixers." Jesy smiled as people started joining. Pez was looking down, holding my hand. She was so scared bless her. I kissed her temple. The mixers knew wee were dating so it was okay. "So we have news I guess." Leigh sighed. Comments flooded in still. "Who's saying it?" Jesy asked us. Perrie shook her head and started crying. I hugged her tight against my chest. "Shhh you're okay baby." I whispered to her. "You say it Jess." Leigh mumbled. "Okay I'll get to the point. Perrie has a brain tumour." Perrie cried harder. Comments flooded inasking what type and how serious and what does it mean for the band. "She isn't going to be here in two years lets put it that way." Leigh sighed. "I'm sorry." Perrie cried harder. "No, it's not your fault baby." I whispered in her ear and held her tighter. "It's a 12-15 life expectancy rate. We haven't discussed further into the band yet, but in all honesty guys, it's not the same without the four of us." I sighed and Jesy and Leigh nodded in agreement. "I can't." Perrie whispered, she stood up and walked away. Thankfully she only just moved out of camera shot so we could see her up the mixers can't which I totally understand. More questions came in. "Is there going to be any more songs or new material coming now?" Jesy read a question out. "We have a few songs in the studio already recorded but we won't be able to make any new content not with how unpredictable Perrie is at the minute sorry guys." Leigh said sadly. There was a lot of heartbreaking messages coming through about how much Perrie helped them and things. "Guys we're going to have to go now, it's too heartbreaking we'd prefer to cry off camera." Jesy laughed slightly. "We love you all so much and we will keep you updated on things. Bye beautiful mixers., she said and we all blew them a kiss. As soon as it was off I ran to Pez but she screamed before I got to her.

"Don't touch me!" She screamed. "What?" I asked. "Don't fucking touch me!" She screamed. "Perrie it's me." I said shocked. "No, I don't know you leave me the fuck alone." She screamed. "W-what?" I croaked out. "No Perrie, it's me Jesy Jade and Leigh-Anne, we're you best friends." Jesy said and moved me out of the way. "No. I don't know her, or any if you!" She screamed and kicked her les out. "Perrie no!" I cried, Leigh pulled me into her chest. "Stay away from me!" Sh screamed and pushed Jesy away from her. I walked towards her. "No, I'll call the police." She screamed and picked up the phone. "For what?" I asked nervously. "You're trying to kidnap me, leave me alone. I don't know you." She screamed and cried, she kicked and flew her limbs everywhere. It was horrible. "Perrie, please." I whispered and looked her straight in the eyes. "No. I don't know you." She croaked out and ran away to her room. I broke down in tears on the sofa, followed by Leigh and Jesy. She doesn't remember me.

I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in ages I keep trying to I've been busy though!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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