Rock Bottom

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The next day

When Jimin woke up, he was still wrapped tightly in Hoseok's arms. The older boy had one of his legs flung over his body, weighing him down.

Jimin didn't understand any of this. Why was Hoseok being nice? These dreams were giving him enough information to completely destroy him every single day; he didn't know why he wasn't taking advantage of it. Where had these dreams come from anyway? 

 An image of a dark gypsy girl flashed into his memory, but he pushed it aside.

He found himself staring at his sleeping Hyung, he looked so innocent when he was asleep.

This softer version of Hobi was scary. He knew what to expect from the normal Hoseok – the snide little comments, the pinches and nudges and the overly clingy attitude. Sweet Hoseok was completely unknown, and .... strangely... just a little bit... appealing.

He almost reached out to touch the elder's face, wanting to run his thumb across Hoseok's full bottom lip, before realising again who this was. This was Hobi! He couldn't do this. He WOULDN'T do this. He gently crawled out from under the older boy's limbs, escaping the room before he could wake up.

Later that same day

Namjoon had called an impromptu band meeting, and Hoseok was trying to find enough energy to care about what the leader was going to talk about, and failing.

He sauntered into the living room, sitting on one of the chairs with his legs draped over the arm. He was the first one there, so took the opportunity to get comfortable, leaning his head back onto the back of the chair and closing his eyes, he was drifting, almost asleep when he heard footsteps coming into the room.

They stopped by his chair for a moment. He knew that the footsteps belonged to Jimin, being roommates he could pick Jimin's measured tread out of a crowded room, and for some reason his heart skipped. He hadn't been alone in a room with just Jimin, where they were both awake, in over a week. His roommate had been sneaking into the room after Hobi was asleep, and Hoseok crept out of the room before Jimin stirred in the morning.

Hoseok kept his eyes closed, keeping his breathing as even as he could. It's not that he didn't want to talk to his friend, but everything was just a little awkward (and he had no idea how to fix it) and he just couldn't deal with it right now.

He expected Jimin to move away from him when he realised the older boy was sleeping, but he didn't stepaway. Instead, Hoseok felt the ghost of a touch on his cheek, a fingertip stroking his cheek bone, gently smoothing the puffiness under his eye. Hoseok put all his energy into not tensing up. Hearing more footsteps in the hall, he felt Jimin's breath on the side of his face as he exhaled sharply, and hurried to the opposite side of the room.

Hoseok breathed out, he hadn't realised he had been holding his breathe. His cheek tingled. Having Jimin, of all people, touch him like that – it was strange, but he felt warm where the boy's finger had touched. He wanted more, he wanted to know how it would feel if Jimin touched other parts of his body as gently as he stroked his face.

Holy Shit Hobi – he thought to himself – What the fuck was that? You aren't gay!

While he was trying to get himself under control, the other band members filed in, and Yoongi shook Hoseok to 'wake him'. He slowly opened his eyes, blinking around blearily and shifting in is seat. He didn't want Jimin to know he hadn't been asleep, but he couldn't stop himself from tracing the path Jimin's hand had taken across his cheekbone.

Settling himself back into his original position, Hoseok looked around at the other band members and discovered they were all staring at ... him.... Oh Shit.... What did he do this time?

Namjoon cleared his throat, getting the attention of all the team members, "OK guys, as some of you already know, Jimin has asked to switch rooms."

Hoseok's brain stopped functioning. Liquid rushed behind his ears and all he could hear was that sentence on repeat. Jimin wanted to leave the room. Tears bit at the back of his eyes, with a sting. He stared at the ceiling trying to clear his sight and desperately avoiding looking at any of the other band members.

Finally feeling like he had his feelings on a leash he looked at each of the other members. Everyone else was nodding, none of them looked surprised. Clearly they already knew what Jimin had asked. He was the only one shocked here. Holy shit – that hurt - that was pain on top of pain. They had been roommates for years, and not only does he want out, but he told the rest of the group and then ambushed him. A burning feeling rose in the back of his throat, he thought he might throw up. But he carefully composed his face into a smirk, not wanting these assholes to know how much they had hurt him.

Namjoon was still looking at him, so he lifted one shoulder and let his lip curl a little more.

"Ummmm... OK...." Namjoon was flustered, not expecting this kind of response, "So I guess we just need to figure out the new room set up."

Hobi closed his eyes praying 'Please don't let him ask who wants to share with me'

"Does anyone want to share with-" Namjoon began

"Don't worry about it" Hobi interrupted "I'll stay at my dance studio until I find somewhere a little more permanent"

They all stared at him.

"What? It's the easiest solution and we all know it. Besides it's not like I care"

He stood up to leave, stalking past the chair Jimin was sitting in. The younger boy grabbed his wrist as he walked past, his eyes were huge and shiny, trying to talk to Hobi, begging him to hear what he was trying to say. Hobi didn't even look at his ex-room mate, pulling his hand away as if it was burnt, and walking into his room slamming the door behind him.

He knew he had to pack, but he found himself sitting in the closet, his head buried in his hands as tears dripped down his face.

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