3. It's Been A Long Day, Without You My Friend

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Previously on Colifer And The Two Girls:

Emilia's POV

As soon as Jared and I arrived at the hospital, I saw Ronan and someone else in Alice's room. Ronan and this ' someone ' were hugging each other. They looked sad. Who was this person? Why is Ronan hugging him. As I coughed loudly, Ronan and this someone stopped hugging each other. They looked at me. The someone looked at me confused, " Emilia, is that you after all these years? " said this someone that I didn't know. I look at him shockingly, " Who are you and how do you know my name?? " I say questionably. The person took a deep breath and said, " Emilia, it's me Max, you know, Alice's and yours old childhood friend? " I was shocked that I was seeing Max again, after the very last conversation that we were having about Alice and him.


Max's POV


When Emilia, Alice and I knew each other, we were 9 years old. I liked Alice, and when I mean I liked Alice, I really, really liked her. The only one person that knew that I liked her, was Emilia. I trusted Emilia not to tell anyone, about my feelings for her sister. " Max, why have you taken to my backyard?" Max took Emilia to her and Alice's backyard, because he wanted to talk to Emilia. " I need to talk to you about your sister?" Max said. Emilia looked quite shocked that Max actually wanted to talk about his feelings. Emilia looked at Max and said, " Ok, we can talk about your feelings for my sister." Max took a deep breath and said, " I like your sister, and I am scared that she doesn't like me back. Do you know if your sister likes me back?" Emilia thought and thought. She said to Max, "I don't know if she likes you back, I'll find out for you. Now I think you should go, before my sister finds out that I am missing, bye Max" Then Emilia waved at Max, and walked away.

While Max was walking back to his house, he was worried and scared if he finds out that Alice doesn't like or love him. He didn't know what to do with his feelings, if he should keep his feelings for her and not break their strong friendship or if he should confess his love for her.


"Emilia, do you remember me now?" I said in a calming and polite way, " Oh Max, Alice and I haven't seen you sense.... umm.... well.... you know...... ummmm...." Emilia wanted to say, what she wanted to say to me, but I knew what Emilia was going to say. 'Ever sense Emilia and Alice's parents passed away, they have changed so much, well Emilia hasn't changed that much, but Alice has changed so a lot. Her hair, her eyes, her type of clothing, everything has changed about her. The one I have loved, the one that I have always loved, and still love, is forever more in my heart.' I thought in my head.

Ronan's POV

I am sitting here, sitting here on Alice's hospital bed, watching her sleeping in her deep, very deep coma. I leaned in, front of Alice's sleepy face and kissed her softly on the lips. However when I pulled away from the kissed, all I heard was, "Awwwwwwwwws" coming out of everyone's mouths, except for Max. What was his problem? Does he love Alice, as much as I love her? If he try's to steal Alice away from me, well......

Let's just say.......

He will be dealing with the wrong person.

Authors Notes


I hope you have enjoyed this chapter, I am running out of ideas, soooooo it would be awesome if you guys could comment some of your own ideas for the book.


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