Chapter 7

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"Hey, babe. I was wondering if you wanted to come over today? My parents are going to be gone all weekend." Chloe says with a wink as she walks up to Beca.

Giving the redhead a chaste kiss, Beca responds with a guilty expression. "Sorry, Chlo. I have to work on that demo with Emily after school today. But maybe I can swing by after we're finished?" Beca replies, grabbing all of her stuff from her locker.

Sighing, Chloe nods. "Yeah, I guess. I'll just be home, thinking of you, maybe invite my tiny robot over." Chloe says, referring to her vibrator that Beca absolutely despises.

"Don't you dare touch that thing or it's going in the garbage disposal. You're only allowed to use that for your cramps while you're on your period." Beca says with a grumble.

"I never agreed to that rule." Chloe says with a smirk.

"Agreed to what rule?" A chirpy voice says from beside them, making the two girls jump a little.

"Jesus Christ, Emily. You scared the shit out of me." Beca says, clutching at her chest as she tries to slow her heart beat down.

"Sorry." Emily says with a concerned expression. "Hey, Chloe!" Emily says, waving at the redhead.

"Emily." Chloe says with a small smile and nod.

"Are you ready to go, Beca? I have to be home by six for dinner with the family so we won't have as much time today." Emily says.

"Yeah, let's go. I'll see you later tonight, Chlo. Love you." Beca says, and with a short kiss, her and Emily are off towards her car.

"You look like somebody kicked your puppy." Chloe hears from behind her.

"Yeah, what's wrong, Chlo?" Chloe turns around to find her two best friends, Aubrey and Stacie.

After looking around, Chloe turns back to her friends. "Can we go to my house and talk about it? I don't want anybody to overhear." Chloe asks.

"Yeah, we'll meet you there." Stacie says, grabbing Aubrey's hand and taking her to her car as Chloe goes to her own.

Chloe gets to her house and walks inside, Aubrey and Stacie walking in shortly after. Chloe goes into the kitchen to get a snack before walking up to her room with the two girls following her.

"So what is it, Chlo?" Aubrey asks concerned.

Chloe picks at her apple before answering. "Do you think Beca would ever cheat on me?" Chloe asks quietly.

Stacie and Aubrey look at each other before the brunette speaks. "You're talking about your Beca?" Chloe gives her a 'duh' kind of look. "Chlo, I'm not saying this because she's one of my best friends, but Beca wouldn't have the heart to cheat on anyone. You know that's how her parents marriage ended. Besides, she thinks the world of you. I mean, she was pining after you for three years before she finally got the balls to ask you out."

Chloe gives a small smile, remembering how awkward Beca had been when she asked her out. "What brought this up anyways?" Aubrey asks and Chloe looks at her before looking back down at her apple.

"It's just, she's been spending so much time with Emily lately. I mean today, I invited her over for basically all day sex and she turned me down to work on that demo with Emily. Beca never turns down sex." Chloe throws her hands up in exasperation. "Am I just not enough for her anymore?" Chloe asks, feeling her eyes start to water.

"You know what you need to do?" Stacie asks with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Oh god." Aubrey groans, already having an idea of what the brunette might suggest.

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